Genshin Impact - How To Raise EXP Fast


If you're looking for the best ways to level up your Traveler, our guide to farming experience for Genshin Impact characters will help you out.

Leveling up is one of the most enjoyable parts of an RPG like Genshin Impact. However, unlike most RPGs, there are many different ways to get stronger in the game, which can sometimes distract you from focusing on your character's level. Before you know it, you may have a team of characters that are still underdeveloped. Tiresome grinding can be a problem, especially if you get it wrong, but if you follow our tips on how to grind character experience in Genshin Impact, you'll be back in the game in no time.

How to Increase EXP in Genshin Impact

Character experience comes from several sources in Genshin Impact, the most obvious of which is the reward for killing enemies. However, this method is probably the least efficient way to level up your group. What you really need is to look for character EXP materials to get a huge amount of EXP in one shot. There are several types of these materials, each giving a different amount of experience and requiring a different farming method.

Although adventurer experience costs significantly less experience than "hero's wits", it is the next most valuable item for character experience at 5000 per use. What makes them a better option is how much more they are and that you can get them fairly reliably.

A great and consistent way to earn this stuff is to run the Spiral Abyss domain. Again, this is a higher level action, but each chamber you complete will automatically earn you three Adventurer XP on the second floor, fifth on the third and fourth, sixth on the fifth and sixth floors, before racking up a maximum of seven on the last two floors. Just remember that you can only earn these rewards once, so you can't just farm the first camera over and over again.

The best way to get adventurer experience is to use 20 original resins and complete the Ley Line Outcrop - Blossom of Revelation boss in Mondstadt. This solo encounter, assuming you're strong enough to defeat the boss, is guaranteed to give you 10 to 11 Adventurer XP. Even if you get only ten, you will still get 50,000 character experience.

How to get farm stranger's advice

The last and least valuable EXP material for characters is Wanderer's Advice. They only give 1000 XP, which you'll beat very early in the game, so they won't make much sense later on. They will come from the same sources as the Adventurer's Experience, but will also spawn in random chests, even regular ones, throughout the map.

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