Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town - Most Profitable Vegetables by Season


In this guide, we'll explain what is the most profitable culture in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town?

Most profitable crops in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Each crop has a suitable season in which you can grow it and make the most of your profit. Knowing which crop can withstand certain weather and fast flowering will help you grow it easily and get the best yields.

Spring most productive crops

Crops such as cucumber, garlic and broccoli are best grown during the spring months, when from March to June will help you grow these vegetables and get the most profit. While a cucumber takes 7 days to grow, each seed will give you 3 cucumber plants, and planting them will bring you a hefty profit.

For garlic, you will need to reach level 9and it can be a little tricky, but once you do. This will help you get more gold by selling it in the market.

Broccoli is the most lucrative crop you can grow during the spring months, so be sure to stock up on seeds and plant them in the spring. The process can be slow, but the return on investment is by far one of the highest in the game.

Most profitable summer crops

WITH June to September it is best to grow crops such as watermelon and green peppers.

While everyone is ready for a sweet and watery watermelon treat, you can even turn up the seasonal heat by collecting green chili... These are some of the best and most lucrative crops for each season in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town.

Autumn Most Profitable Crops

WITH September to November crops such as sweet potatoes and green chili are best grown.

Sweet potato should be your top priority as you can get the most out of this crop and green chili peppers from summer to late fall.

Winter most profitable crops

WITH November to March crops such as leeks and broccoli are best grown in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. These vegetables will certainly help you out during the colder months and you can always make a steady profit by focusing on growing. leeks, it is one of the best and most lucrative crops in Story of Seasons: Pioneer of Olive Town.

Having broccoli will help you even in spring, as both winter and spring provide the best climate for growing this type of crop in the game.

Here's everything you need to know about the best and most profitable crops to grow each season in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town.

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