The Suffering - Text Walkthrough


The main protagonist is tormented by crazy visions, "waking horrors", sometimes even more often than he uses weapons. As soon as he looks at the rope, the gallows appears, if he casts a glance at the stool, then the style of the electric chair will flash through his head, the bathroom will evoke associations with a corpse bathing in his own blood ... And so the whole video game, horror sits on horror and drives with horror. However, my business is to warn, do as you understand. Therefore, your own adventures are tied up in a prison cell. You are a prisoner named Torg, accused of killing his own wife and kids, but no one knows for sure whether this was in fact or not. In general, it’s not so important for you at the moment, the main thing is to get out of the island as soon as possible, on which, as you will soon see, a lot of unpleasant tests were carried out. As usual, remember to search all lockers and tables in search of ammunition and objects needed in the household. During the passage, you can open all the newest pages in the diary, the latest maps of the territory, so do not be lazy to look there more often.

1. The Worst Place on Earth.

Subsequently, watching the introductory video, where Torg is led to his cell, and the prisoners try to talk to him, however, it’s much more correct for them to quarrel among themselves - leave the cell. At one point, an earthquake will occur, terrifying creatures will crawl out, which in 2 counts will shoot almost all the inhabitants of the jail. Approach the watchman, who will assure you that everything is supposedly under control... but the monster will destroy him right there and drag him behind him to the ceiling. Probably not all. Go into the cell from which the door fell out with a roar (there, on the wall, you will notice frivolous photos of the ladies), and take out the knife from the corpse lying on the bed. Now there will be something to defend against reptiles.
It’s better not to flush the toilet properly, otherwise the entire display can turn into some kind of crazy round dance of multi-color triangles at a moment in time. Don't worry, it's just a glitch. Come out, they will start to frighten you with an exploding shield, rush to the security room. A gloomy voice-over will tell you that he has been waiting for you for a very long time ... Goosebumps have already begun to move along your back? No, well, besides, it's not evening. Right behind the door, you can turn on the lighting so that it would not be so terrible, then look at the monitors and press the Huge Reddish Key. The nearest chamber will open, where you can grab a bottle (Xombium bottle). This swill is supposed to be treated here. Go to the flashing reddish light at the end of the corridor, open the door under it with a heavy kick of your foot. Turn left, someone's dead body pointedly, leaving bloody smudges, dragged into the air vent. On the right side there will be a shower room, where you can find a couple of bottles. The mobile phone will ring - listen to how the excited lady in a breaking voice will beg you to rush as soon as possible and away from this terrible place. Hmm, it seems like it's not clear. Opposite the shower is the administration department. Turn on the lights close to the door and watch the half of the body that will crawl towards you, trying to portray something, but then it will calm down. Grab a bottle from the table, but in the back section, close with a poster with a torch, ammo for a pistol. Go back to the camera block exit and don't stop running directly. At first, the ceiling will collapse in the passage on the left, where there was just an exit, and then another creature will smear the weak watchman on the grid, spattering Torg with blood up to his very ears. Here you have a nightmarish outfit, it has long been time.

A little further, the door from the security room will fall out to you, climb in there and grab a map of 2 floors of the prison, batteries for a flashlight and a note from the table. Press the reddish key and go through the doors that have opened, where not so long ago a poor fellow from among the watchmen was stuck to the bars. Checkpoint. Slowly, an exhausted watchman will crawl out into the middle of the corridor, and with a clear blow of the blade to the head, a terrible creature - Slayer will be pinned to the floor. Everything, idle walks are over, it's time to stretch your arms. When you kill this walking disgrace with knives instead of arms and legs, a watchman will appear and threaten you with a cannon. Then, of course, he will soften and even recommend getting a flashlight. Go to the restroom and take a bottle, then step into the Break Room, where you can take a flashlight from the table. When it is not needed, it is more correct to turn it off, otherwise the batteries will quickly run out.
Return to the watchman, he will run down the stairs to B-Level. Follow him. The guard will press the key and rush through the opened doors. Before rushing after him, go to the security closet and pick up the cartridges. Further, the freshest monster will jump out of the window to you, and the watchman will destroy the other from the weapon. Your guide will be carried away into a room with an electric stool, where he will calm down for good. However, now you have a gun. Leave this place and go to the infirmary, stock up on bottles in full. You won't be able to carry more than 9 with you. Take ammo and batteries in the same way. Trade will visit the newest visions. Return back to the corridor and break the blockage of boxes with a knife. Go to the phone, move the gas-water machine away from the door (you need to pull it towards you, not sideways) and go out into another corridor. On the right side there will be an entrance to the Control Station, grab bottles, batteries, you can pull the switch to look at the fireworks in the room with an electric stool. Then you will come to a room with a chess floor. Search all adjacent rooms for bottles and ammunition, and then try to open the door to the security room. A monster with knives instead of arms and legs and nails in its head will break it out and jump somewhere upstairs. Kill him, go inside, get a map of the island. Press the reddish key, notice that one door opens and another closes at the same time. Move the watchman's bust to jam the door. Press the button again and move on. Soon you will find yourself in a room, behind the glass of which you can see a gas chamber with a watchman. Take ammo; if you press the yellowish key, the watchman will die in agony. You can not reap, as your conscience tells you. Further (checkpoint) Torg will see in his own visions a boy lying on the ground. Opening the door on the right side, you will stumble upon a large carcass running away. Follow him, you will get into that gas chamber, which not so long ago you saw through the glass. The watchman will again begin to beg for mercy (if you still haven’t destroyed him), and a certain poltergeist will let off the gas. Get out into the broken glass in the eyewitness room, then go down the stairs and open the iron door.

2. Descending.

Turn on the switch and pick up everything that catches your eye. Past the lockers into the corridor, in front of you at one moment someone's growling carcass will flash by. Rush after her, the poltergeist will speak to you and wish you to be reincarnated as monsters. It's not difficult, take out the monsters that appear, look for an additional indicator placed close to the life bar. When it reaches its maximum, press "C" - you will become a huge and harsh likeness of the famous Hulk. Is that more like an animal than a person. Finish off the monsters, go through the door at the very bottom, close to the fan from the floor. Run through the flooded room, then turn the valve against the wall on the right side to shut off the steam. Pick up the cartridges, bypass the generator room and climb on the box at the very end to the 2nd floor. There will be a checkpoint close to the wooden door, and behind it you will hear the screams of a watchman with a bandage on his eyes, who will ask him to shoot him as soon as possible. What will be done - God knows where from a monster of not weak dimensions, and even with a bunch of machine guns on its back, slightly reminiscent of a bagpipe. They call him Marksmen. Surprisingly, destroying it will be much easier than it looks.Turn on the lighting and pick up the cartridges, go through the door, from where the final freak stomped.

Run through the workshop where coffins are made. A couple of simpler monsters and one marksmen won't make you wait long. On the right side of the coffins there will be chambers where you can take first-aid kits, cartridges, similarly there you will hear the prayers of the baby. Blow up the gas cylinders to break the door, go inside - you will notice a scene with a screaming child and the policemen surrounding him. Open the reddish door, move the huge box (Seaboard shipping) away from the subsequent reddish door and you will get into the newest block with cameras. Perebeyte a certain number of creatures, pick up a pile of batteries for a flashlight, cartridges and grenades close to the target for a shootout. Turn the valve in one of the rooms, then break the boards that prevent you from getting into the chamber with a knife, and then push the box in there, which is just close. Climb on it and further on the wall. Jump down, take the "official document" from the table. At this time, glitches will attack Torg again, and he will see a scene with the local director. Then a fat man behind the net will warn you, here he will fry in electric rays and disappear. Climb up the floor of the stairs from which the rats will escape and pick up the Tommy gun. Well, that's a completely different story. Now it only remains to climb up the ladder attached to the wall and open the iron door.

3 Slumber of the Dead

Step to the right and again to the right, open the door. You will find yourself in the eyewitness room, close to the room behind the glass, where the offender poisoned with poison lies on the table. A couple of watchmen on chairs still do not want to leave, it may seem at first glance that they were not eyewitnesses of the execution, but its specific players. Pick up the North Yard card from the fallen chair. Look at the monitor on the wall, you will be lectured on the subject of this, how to properly handle the equipment that you observe through the glass. Go back to the corridor and try to open the door opposite to the Exit sign. You will not be able to open it, however, prisoner Dallas will appear from it and recommend that you follow him. A couple of voices in your head will advise you to either destroy him or listen to his speeches. Choose. Get out into the courtyard (checkpoint) of the prison and head for Dallas. He will lead you to the murdered cellmate on the table, studded with syringes, whom you just followed through the glass. Get out again into the freshest air and give a duel to three creatures led by a big man with a bunch of guns. Climb into the gap in the grid (checkpoint) and go down the forest path down. Shoot a couple of marksmen'ov, at the killed watchman, leaning against a tree, pick up grenades and cartridges. Close to the area where Dallas hid, you will find a wellness bottle. Head to the searchlights, kill all the creatures, take ammunition from the scaffolding and return to the prisoner. He will praise your own military abilities and run on to demonstrate the route. Climb the scaffolding again, jump over the fence along the boards, the road will lead you to the building with the inscription East Cellblock. Bargaining will see something again, after that break into the iron door.

4 Abbott Prison Blues

Run along the corridor, break a bunch of boards and boxes with a knife, then push the iron box away from you. On the left you will find a restroom with a bottle of health close to the washbasin, and on the right side is the dining room. In the dining room on the table, take away the map, the bottle from the watchman, another one from the adjoining cabinet, and the batteries for the flashlight and cartridges from the distant one. Go out into the corridor and follow the bloody trail. Go to the Control Station and press the reddish key, watching how the monsters will break into the glass. The next corridor (checkpoint) will lead you to four cells and a staircase. Go down it, one prisoner in the cell will ask you to lock him up here. Dallas will see a bloody puddle on the floor, from which the newest monster will jump out, small in stature and studded with syringes. It loves to counterattack, throwing these very syringes at you. With a clear hit, glitches will inevitably begin (loss of sharpness, a blurry picture, etc.), however, they will quickly pass. Perebeyte all monsters, knock down the door close with the inscription Maintenance. Look in the lockers, go down the stairs and replenish your own supplies with everything you need. Open the door under the stairs, about which childish slogans are heard. Bargaining will again thoroughly "torknet", and the door will disappear in the most obscure way.

Return to Dallas and go to the Control Station, raise the switch and press the reddish key to open the doors to the newest block. One of them will lead you to the lady behind the net (then she will disappear and appear before the gaze of the monster), and the other to the shower room, where a bunch of creatures with syringes will attack you. Run through the shower, then jump over the fire and open the door at the far wall, which will lead you to the courtyard. Climb into the gap in the fence and pick up the cartridges and batteries on the ground, not far from the watchman. Open the door, shoot the latest acid creatures, then look for 3 prisoners in the yard. At first, they will react calmly enough to your appearance, but then they will snap and open fire. Perebeyte from one after another, go around the blockage of flaming tables and open the iron door leading to the newest building. From that place, a certain number of acid freaks will jump out in the company of slayers. You run into a puddle, which breaks through the current, in short, do not move. Return to the exercise yard and go to tower C3 (check the map often). Climb up the stairs, notice the watchman, who will be beaten with electricity. Turn the valve, climb into the room inside the turret to get ammo and another card. Move on and open the iron door. Wreak havoc in the library, cracking down on acid people, then go down the stairs to get into the V-block. You can’t directly hit him, it will be necessary to bypass through the infirmary, where you are attacked by bloodsuckers who have already set their teeth on edge with their own syringes. Through the glass, notice a couple of prisoners hanging by their feet on ropes. Rush to them by opening the door (immediately a checkpoint), and watch a movie of how the poor fellows are stuffed with bullets, as if meatballs were rice. To defeat Hargrave with his machine gun, you need to run up the stairs and jump into the hole in the ceiling, just above the machine gun. Then shoot all the guards, kiss the cannon and mow down the endless stream of creatures rushing towards you in rows and columns. After an excellent battle, press the reddish key and step into the opened door. Further along the arrow in the Loading Dock. The huge iron doors are closed, it will be necessary to look for a bypass route. Climb onto the trash can close with the surveillance camera. Jump off it and, clinging to it with your hands, climb onto the roof near the swear-box. Further it is already easier - through the door, rush to the restroom after the boy, kill the monsters. Subsequently, enter the control room and press the reddish key if you wish to release Dallas (of course, if he is still alive). Don't forget to grab a card from the locker. Now to the door "West Walkway", which is considered the end of the level.

5. No More Prisons.

Go inside the turret and pick up the Tommy gun along with the disks. Get down to the ground, there will be a gas that will destroy 2 prisoners. Another spirit will arise and begin to lament that you are already running away. Go around the overturned flaming car (checkpoint), hear voices. Open the door to "Rec Yard A" Crush the monsters into cabbage (some will not be able to counterattack you, if you stand in a beam of light, they will immediately start to burn) and step to the basketball court. There will be an authoritative section. Then watch the video excerpt, how the guards shoot back from the creatures, finish off the fragments of evil spirits and go to West Cellblock.

6. I Can Sleep When I'm Dead.

Look into the security room, grab the block card from the table and go out into the corridor. You will stumble upon the dead officers suspended from the ceiling, or rather what is left of them. Horror, well and only.You can not wander to the right, there is a dead end, but directly on the course you will run into a locked door, behind which the watchmen are trying to sell their lives at a higher price. Enter the control room and press the reddish key to open this door. Then turn right (spider attack) and into the officers' room. The prisoners will beg you to unlock the cells, if you want - then press the reddish key under the inscription S-Block. Return to the final fork and now go to the Visitation. In the meeting room you will notice a lady, take the telephone receiver - she will say that she is pregnant, that it's all over, and she wants a divorce. Obviously, everyone turned away from you and in truth. Then she will disappear at one moment, but her beloved monsters will appear before the eyes. Rush further to the Break Room. Go into a small room, Splinker Access, break the barricade of furniture with a knife, pick up a shotgun close to the corpse and turn the valve. Water will pour from the ceiling from the pipes and put out the fire. But he still remains in the 1st place. What to do? You need something to plug the drain into which she goes. Push the soda machine to the drain in the center of the room, and the flow of water will put out the fragments of the fire.

Then go into the security room, press the key, the R-block access will open. Gouge the barricade of boxes, checkpoint. There are several ways to complete this step. Through the laundry room, a hole on the second floor as opposed to a gate, and a hole in the cell. If you chose the final option, then first open the cells by clicking the reddish key in the guard room, and then jump into the broken floor in the middle chamber on the left. Run past the bed in flames and follow the tunnel right behind the boy (monsters studded with syringes included), who threatens to never forgive you. Press the switch at the end and step into the opened door, then to the left and down the stairs. Three more creatures will prevent you from getting to the breach in the wall. Behind it, you will enter the S-block through a hole in the floor. Climb to the top floor on the stairs and climb even higher on the bunk bed. A couple more steps along the corridor - and the stage will end.

7. Everything Beautiful is Gone.

Rush to the watchman with a severed (either bitten off or sawed off, who knows) head, pick up a bottle and a shotgun. Jump onto the ladder and climb onto the roof of the guard tower (2 bottles). Jump from it to the roof of the adjoining house, the watchman will look out at you and, having closed the door, will wash off. Rush after him, down the stairs, under which there will be a couple of "first-aid kits", and into the iron door. You will find yourself on the bridge, and masses of slayers will begin to pour from the trees. You cannot stop them with ordinary weapons, for this reason, turn on the spotlight and illuminate the tree with it. Monsters, hitting a beam of light, simply burn out. Do the same with the following spotlights. At the end of the path, push the box into the hatch close to the stairs, you will hear a detonation. Go down, notice the funnel in the center of the field, from which slayers constantly jump out. Climb back and direct a beam of light at this funnel. Then return to the trembling watchman under the stairs (the voice will recommend you to destroy him, decide for yourself), he will want to go with you. Again rush to the field, shoot a whole mass of marksmen'ov, and into the door, which is now open. Open the door to the communication center, pick up a note, a map and supplies. Get out on the stairs to the roof, jump from it to another roof that is on fire. With the final one, jump again to the right, to the ground and go into the iron door, which is considered the end of the level.

8. Darkest Night, Eternal Blight.

This room is filled with monsters, so get ready to fight. Beware of those that descend from the ceiling on ropes. Jump from the bench to the roof of the closet, take the machine gun and supplies, from it to the 2nd floor and break the barricade of boxes at the door. Once again, you will find yourself outside the boundaries of the prison area. Run through the cemetery, look at another scene with his wife and offspring, and run further along the path. Soon you will notice 2 guards who will open fire on you. Soak them, don't stop following on the path. After trapping the marksmen, you will notice a quarry where some excavations are being carried out. You need to get into the cave, you can do this in 2 ways. Or, trying to eliminate conflicts with evil spirits, first jumping onto a hillock to the left of the orange steps leading to the bottom of the pit, then onto a hanging block, etc. Or go down the stairs, uncover the shotgun and show everyone Kuz'kin's mother. When you enter the cave (a new page in the diary will open and the checkpoint will be saved), you will notice how the watchman will destroy the huge "worm" that appears from the ground. Destroy the monsters, then jump up and pull yourself up on your hands to the rusty stairs. Climb to the very top and step along the path between 2 fires. Before that, you can jump from the stairs to another cliff and take supplies, they will suddenly come in handy.

9 Oblivion Regained.

Walk along the forest path, pick up supplies behind the boxes and plunge into the newest cave. Monsters with syringes will spawn from a puddle on the floor, in general, slightly. Look up, there you will notice boxes with explosives - shoot, the explosion will destroy the wall, and you can climb up. Further along the bridge (checkpoint), get ready for a harsh battle, after which break the wooden wall blocking the passage with a knife. Soon you will leave the adit and meet a schnobel to a schnobel with a pair of "worms". Rush along the path, unlock the door on the right side and up the stairs, then into the hole in the fence and pick up supplies. Break the wooden boxes with a knife, go to the control levers. You must, by operating a crane with a stone block, push down another block, which will fall on a reddish funnel in the ground. Then climb the cliff on the right side and cut the lampposts to make it easier to fight the monsters. Jump over the fallen cobblestone and to the left. It may seem at first glance that you have reached a dead end, but this is not so - look up and climb the cliff. The tunnel will lead you to the newest shaft and crane. Blow up the boxes with TNT at the entrance, then go inside the adit. The mine is littered with boxes of explosives - you understand what needs to be done. Run up to the crane control unit, you need to move the block of stone in such a way that you can jump from it to the opposite edge of the pit. Watch the video excerpt about 2 girls, obviously twins. They will hide in the mine, the aspect to which will block the fire. Approach the controls and move the stone block to the right, pushing the water tower. She will put out the fire, and you can seep inside the adit.

10. You've Mistaken Me for Someone Else.

Pick up supplies close to the car, then climb into the hole in the fence between 2 bushes. A winding road will lead you to a rocky hill where you can climb the wall. If you intend, you can run around the lake, there will be many visions, then to the psychiatric hospital. Go around it on the right side, move the iron cage away from the wall and go inside.

11. Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner.

Professor Killjoy will show you a little show, after which the room will be flooded with masses of slayers. Then break the film projector on the locker, only after that you can go out the door, the "virtual" iron grid will disappear close to it. Climb the stairs up, further along the corridor and into the room with the watchman. The door is located to the left of it, jump into the hole in the wall, Killjoy will appear again. Go to the open door, to the right and to the end of the corridor. Only one door that will give you will lead you to the viewing room. Rush to the stage, break the glass door on one side and take the fire axe, break the rope with it on the other side. A picture will descend onto the stage and block the beam of light from the spotlight. So now you can comfortably go out through the door placed close to the ax box.
In the room with human limbs on the counters, take the asylum map, break the boards close to the far door that will lead you to the corridor.Go right, then left and through the door, you will enter a room with your own double (when you turn into a monster) behind the grid. You can press the yellowish key so that the monster shakes well and it disappears. Fall into the hole in the floor, you will find yourself in a boiler room with coal. You cannot get out of this place, since the projector shines directly on the door. Find an iron grid close to the final shelf (break the boards first to gain access to it) and pull it towards you. The shelves hit each other and the projector's beam will be blocked. Exit through the door and to the left.

Run to the end of the building, break the boards close to the door, then up the stairs. Before that, you can break the boards at the drain hole close to the generator (the water will leave, and you will no longer be shocked), and then turn it off. Step into the living room with a fireplace, break the boards and open the door, bypass the room with the projector and go up the stairs to the next floor. You need to return to the library with the watchman, from that place fall into the foyer ("foyer", check the map), climb the stairs and rush to the end of the corridor, to the attic hatch ("attic hatch"). To get there, you need to push the iron cell to the hatch, which is located in the penultimate room on the right side.
In the attic, go to the blue device and spin the wheel to lower it down. The unpleasant maniac doctor will remind you of himself again. Now you need to move the projector, which is located in the iron box, so that you can jump into the hatch if you want to go back. Don't forget to crush another projector, not far from the first one. Return to the lobby. You will notice that there is still a spotlight that shines through the door. Step into the open door, to the left as far as it will go and in the room with the portrait of the kid, kill him. Now from the foyer you can get into an insignificant cinema, and the professor will arrange a spectacle for you, reviving another batch of monsters. Do not try to destroy them, anyway, he will resurrect them again. Rather, kill all the projectors as soon as possible. At the first, this one under the ceiling, you need to cut the rope, at the other, knock out the fuse in the wall. Get under the blue device and press the yellowish key, then "0" on the numpad'e. In the end, hit the monster chained to the wall and jump out the broken window.

12. A Lonely Place to Die.

Take the life-giving bottles and exit through the gate from the terrain of this haunted place. Rush along the path, pass the bridge, run into flaming fallen trees. Climb onto the stone wall on the left to bypass them. The road will lead you to the destroyed bridge. To his right, on a hillock, is a pickup truck. Raise it with a jack, the car will drive down to the river and roll over. Now you can climb it to another part of the bridge. But before that, you can still run down the river to the left, into the cave. The kids will encourage you to swim. Bah, yes Torg, as it turned out, can not swim. Fight off the monsters and return to the destroyed bridge. Climb up the truck and rush along the path, after a couple of steps you will run into the end of the level.

13. Dancing at the Dawn of the Apocalypse.

Rush along the path, meet with a prisoner who throws a Molotov cocktail. Pick up a cocktail and go to the pier. You will be introduced to the newest monster - fester - a giant with an open belly, from which some biting shit jumps out, and a mace. Bullets do not take it, for this reason, throw explosives or "molotov". Then blow along the coast to the right, fighting a horde of festers. Notice the ship thrown ashore, climb into it (the monsters themselves will break the grid, just have patience) and climb to the hole in the wall. Shoot at the barrels, they will fall down and oil will flow out, then throw the "hammers". That's it, festers won't spawn anymore. Climb to the upper deck, jump from the ship to the cliff and crawl into a healthy drainage pipe.

14 Surfacing.

A "lightning man" will appear in front of you and open the grid. Rush left, right, right, left - run into the stairs. Climb up it, then through the door, up the ordinary stairs, knocking down a couple of festers. In the armory, solve an insignificant puzzle: here, with the help of 3 valves, you can move 3 walls, you need the loopholes in them to be on the same line, in which case you can go through. Then pick up the bottles, go up the stairs, run through the laboratory, where 2 slayers are languishing in the cells. Further you will find yourself in an already familiar area, well-known even in "Chapter 2". You need to run to the dead watchman tied to the post (there is still a dead body of marksmen there), in this case, the dead man who appeared at the very beginning of the level will open the door for you. Then simply rush all the way and open the blue door.

15. An Eye for an Eye. Makes the Whole World Blind.

Climb up and step into the eyewitness room, close to the execution room in the electric chair. Your guide will appear, and they will start roasting him. Your task is to cut down all the generators, then turn off the switch near the wall. Return to the corridor and step into the eyewitness room close to the gas chamber. Run into it, along the corridor and into the door close with the inscription "stairs". Go to the D-block, where a boy will first appear in the cell, and then your spouse, while everyone will scold you for how much in vain. Go into the chamber where the spotlight is pointing, a couple of monsters will appear, and you will pick up Killjoy's Diagnosis. Through the rest room, corridor, then you need to get into the B-block, well, practically. The road will be blocked by flames, but you will notice how the rats will run into the gap in the wall on the right side. You are right there.

16. Who Wants to Deny Forever?

Step to the right, into the hole in the fence. If you manage to save the guards from the festers, you will earn positive points. Pass the sports ground, run into the radio room. Clean out the lockers and listen to the announcement in the adjoining room. Come out. Fester will break the door, you go there, then quickly rush to the machine gun close to the basketball court to deal with the attacking wave of monsters. Then into a hole in the wall and through the door - it seemed to be a little jammed.

17. Death Be Not Proud.

Head to the door, which is illuminated by the spotlight, from it to the right. Come to the truck and the bus, the monsters will fall. There will be a lot of them, you can wait until they run out, or shoot the wheel at the bus opposite the gate. He will roll down and open them. Get on the bus and leave the prison area. Rush further along the way, scare away a flock of crows, watch a video clip about how a couple of prisoners on a truck will fall into the river, and the spirit that gave them this tragedy will read morality to you. Soon you will run into a wall of fire, 2 burrowers will appear. Turn back to this place where you followed the tragedy. Close with the hatch, go down to the river, there will be a mine. Get out of it to the river itself and jump over to the cave on the other side. Soon you will again get on the road, go into the house close to the barrier and go to the littered entrance to the tunnel. Go around it on the right side (checkpoint), fill up a couple of worms and rush to the machine gun on the mound. Subsequently, the newest vision, the shooting scene, marksmen's will spawn, a lot. After 2 10s, I got confused with the account. Then run another ten meters and climb into the cave. There is another route - you need to climb onto the house near the mountain, jump from it onto the cliff and go out to the crashed plane.

18. Single Bullet Theory.

Take supplies directly at the end of the adit, go back and to the left. Pass the signal torch lying on the floor, a small lake, you will run into a dead end. Climb up the cliff, jump from it into a small tunnel. Go through the deepest lake (approximately up to the neck) and climb into the hatch from above. You will find yourself in a military barracks. A new page will open in the archive, concerning the epochs of the 2nd International. Collect ammo and exit through the door, further down the corridor, you will notice the text "Bunker 3265" on the wall. Go down the stairs, blow up the supply crates and stand behind the machine gun. Monsters will need to be shot for 5 minutes, no less.Then climb into the hole in the wall where the boxes were. Run through the mine, blow up the boxes blocking the passage (checkpoint), go out into the woods. Rush up to the mountain, climb the stairs up, further along the small ledge. Through a couple of shafts, to the left at the deepest lake, up again along a very high staircase. Watch the video excerpt with the poltergeist. Then quickly rush into the corners and turn the valves there to shut off the gas supply. Cover the lids - shoot the ropes at 2, blow up the boxes close at the next one. Push the block onto the grid in the floor. The spirit will rush only between the 2 remaining points, from which greenish gas comes. Stand opposite the firebox, when it appears there - turn the valve. Then close the oven door. The Hermes page will open in the magazine. Go through the opened door and up the stairs, close to the boat.

19. And a Child Shall Lead Them.

Come out of the lighthouse, 2 safe girls will head towards you (this dirty trick is called inferna), who soon turned into fiery flying demons. Shoot them and kill even the ashes, otherwise they will be reborn. You can go to the gatehouse so that the newest comrade joins you, then rush along the path to the littered tunnel. Enter the house on the right side and up the stairs. Turn on the spotlight and point it directly at the reddish funnel behind the fence. There will be a fire, everything around will light up, the tank will detonate and a gap will appear in the fence. Kill a couple of inferna and climb into it. Turn on the generator, take supplies from the back of the truck, return to the lighthouse. Climb to the very top of the lighthouse, to the main mechanism. Release the gears from the iron parts that jammed them, and turn the valve. Lighthouse receives. Go out to the open area and climb even higher, to the spotlight. Listen to the voice of the offspring, then go down. Get out on the road and follow the arrow "Personnel Barracks", your electric friend will open the grid for you.

20. Last Breath Before Dying.

Stay on the path, inferna, marksmen and worms will appear before the eyes. Enter the cave, the route will be blocked by a strip of fire, from which a certain number of flaming "girls" will emerge. It’s better not to approach them yet, but climb over the fence on the left and blow up the box close to the pipe. Water will flow from the broken pipe. Plug the drain with a block, the water will flow into the middle of the adit and put out the fire. Rush further on the way to the destroyed bridge, the truck will have a checkpoint. Approach the cliff, there will be a gas poltergeist. And a bus will rush directly at you from the mountain. Climb onto it and jump across the river. The road will lead you to the house and the bus in front of it. Killjoy will appear and soon a chain of finishing leaders. The initial will be your demonic personification. Shoot him with a bullet weapon. Then you will notice yourself in the usual form - this time reincarnated as a demon and crumble yourself into a salad. In the end, the most final monster will arise, as it should be - the size of a house. Run behind the net and push the lever to lower the flickering doctor's device down. Stand under its rays to recharge your energy and then throw blue energy clots directly at the reddish dot located in the center of the chest of this devilish creature. Wait out her attacks behind the crates. Watch the final video clip, which will depend on your reputation.

For example, you will get a good ending (a rescuer on a boat will come for the Bargaining, a decision was made to reconsider his case, you will notice a photo of the family, etc.), if you constantly helped everyone. You will earn a bad end (they will demonstrate how Bargaining destroys his wife and kids, then the boatman and transforms into monsters) if you start destroying everyone indiscriminately. There is also a neutral option - if you don’t particularly help anyone, and don’t cripple (if only inadvertently), simply act in the significance of the observer. Then you will notice an unfortunate variant with his wife, how the offspring will destroy his brother and himself, Torg will knock out the rescuer and take off on a boat. In any case, you escaped from prison and cleared the peninsula of nasty creatures, so that life goes on.

Game page: The Suffering.

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