Para Pa: what awaits us in the beauty salon


The attractiveness of the hero is hidden first in his appearance. A well-chosen style will definitely help to attract attention, as well as guarantee a good mood and the latest virtual acquaintances.

If you want to look stylish - in this case, start with a hairstyle! In the beauty salon of the Town of Dances, you can change the whole for a certain number of clicks. Longish, short, straight and curly hair will change in an instant due to high-class stylists.

Fashion trends are traditionally contradictory, for this reason, bright colors will help to add any style. Arctic blonde, pink flamingo or fiery punk - an endless range of colors will create a unique style and not a bad mood. The main thing: it will not hurt your hair!

Changing the shape, volume of the eyes, lips, including putting on makeup in a video game is painfully simple. To do this, it is enough to look into the salon and choose exactly what suits you. A catchy make-up will be more appropriate on a hot dance floor, and for a house party, make a “teenage girl” daytime make-up. Musical video game "Para Pa" allows you to easily change your own image at least every single day!

Do not forget that you can change your appearance at any point in time and an endless number of times. For this reason, before you go to the next dance lessons, do not forget to visit the salon.

Main page of the game: Para Pa: city of dances.

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