The Escapists 2 - How to fire a person


How to play online and online The Escapists 2 Online Risk everything to escape from the most severe prisons in the world. Explore the largest multi-storey prisons with roofs, ventilation and underground tunnels.

You will have to live by the laws of the prison, appear at roll call, work and follow a strict routine, and at the same time, you will make your dreams of freedom come true! During your escapes, you will visit the frosty Fort Tundra, on a train racing through the desert, and even in outer space!

Team up with 1-3 friends to form the world's best escape team and come up with crazy plans together! Play online or get together on the couch to plot something bad together. By joining forces, you can come up with even more complex and daring plans. Do you want to compete? Rather, go into the game against each other and show that you know how to escape from prisons faster than your friends. And if this fails, you can always solve all the problems with a fight in the prison yard!

How to remove a person from the workplace in The Escapists 2?


  1. Making a friend who works
  2. Choose the job you want to apply for
  3. When the friend's work day starts, we approach him and press the key, after which he will run after us
  4. You have to wait until the end of business hours. Everything.

That's all you need to know about how you can fire a person in The Escapists 2. If you have something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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