Review Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time


Time. This is what we are constantly lacking. Not enough time to spend with family and children. Not enough time to read a book. From time to time I don’t even have time to call my father and mother. But here's the strangest thing, for what we are very reluctant to do, we constantly at least reduce time. These are short-term paradoxes. Time flies inexorably, and we all think about the next one, that we still have a lot of it ahead of us and spend it on trifles. Let's find time for a moment to slow down and reflect, to comprehend the usefulness (or uselessness - whoever is lucky) of our own life, well, just look up, at the sky, at the sun, at the stars. Don't waste your time! The founders of the newest game "Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time" in the collector's edition thought about time and the next, what will still happen, if all the same, someday, a fleeting collapse occurs. And this Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time awaits you on our portal completely free of charge. So, you are welcome! Download and enjoy! An archaeological journey at the next excavation found a golden sarcophagus, which, according to legend, belonged to the Lord of Time. Four falcons are placed at the four corners of this sarcophagus, which hold that terrible power that is located inside. During transportation, the ship carrying the sarcophagus fell into a storm and ran into reefs. The ship was broken, the falcons were damaged, and the evil that had been hidden in the sarcophagus for a long time broke out. As it turns out, what was locked inside can lead to a temporary collapse, mixing past and present in a mess. My uncle called me and said that the generous mission of saving the world and time and concluding this again in a sarcophagus, which was already obliged to be located there without getting out, falls on my fragile girlish shoulders. And all because, subsequently, the catastrophe of the ship threw the sarcophagus onto the peninsula on which my family once lived, namely my grandmother and grandfather. I moved to the peninsula and didn't get lucky either. I got into a storm, but, fortunately, I survived. Then I met a strange old man who was frightened by something, constantly looked around and always said something about the following, that I needed to leave this island, and at the same time. But I thought that the matter was harsh, for this reason I decided not to pay attention to it. I got to the caretakers' house, which, surprisingly, looked like it was brand new. Going inside, I saw a beautiful young man there, who was wounded and lay exhausted on the bed.

It turned out that this was my grandfather, only very rejuvenated. He told me about the following, that his old friend, but now, by the will of fate, an enemy of Cantello, took possession of one of the eagles that sealed the sarcophagus, and wants to change the past. As it turns out, my grandfather and this same Cantello adore the same lady - Laura. And with the help of temporary chaos, Cantello wants to take Laura away from Andre (this is my grandfather), change the future for one hundred percent and, of course (how could it be without it?), rule the whole world. But if this happens, then in no case will my ancestors appear before the eyes of the illumination, and, in accordance with this, I will too?! Well, I do not! This state of affairs does not suit me at all! I must find all the eagles and return everything back to normal. I made my way to the metropolis and again met a frightened old man who continued to talk his own about the following, that I must leave the peninsula immediately. He pasted on the wall a display of a flying monster, which I had already managed to meet a couple of times on the peninsula. So I thought that in addition to Cantello, I would also need to wage war with them. I found the shop of my grandfather's enemy and went in. I immediately saw one of the eagles from this very sarcophagus. But Cantello greeted me with rudeness and said that his shop was closed. I had no choice but to retreat, so as not to arouse undue suspicion. When I went out into the street, on the balcony of the 2nd floor of Cantello's shop, I saw Laura - my own old woman. Only she had no wrinkles at all and her figure was chiseled. She sent me a note asking me to help her get out of Cantello. He settled her on the second floor, and locked the room with a key that only he had in a single copy. But soon he had to leave, and could freely seep into his house. Which I hastened to do. I helped Laura, in other words, granny, sneak out of the little room. She and my grandfather met in his music shop. How beautiful and happy they were! But I had to go further, because with every minute the opportunities for my birth became less and less. I was lucky to open the city gates and advance further in my own search. I landed on the pier, on which my grandfather announced a meeting for me. But as soon as I saw him, how these winged furies flew right here and took him somewhere. Now I am still waiting to find my grandfather. But the search for other eagles, all the same, is a priority. Sorry grandpa! But my grandfather told me that one of the eagles is located on a broken ship. I got there and voila! One of the eagles is already in my hands. It remains, little or not enough, 3. But how I returned from the ship, how I saw the abnormal grandfather again. He seemed to be calling me. And I decided to find out what he was so afraid of. I followed him and found myself in his hut, which Cantello had already managed to reach and set it on fire. The old man told me that he also had complaints against Cantello. For this reason, he will be able to help me get off the island on a seaplane, which is stored on the pier. And he also said that for this, in order to suspend Cantello, it is necessary to repair the shackles and shackle him. I don't know how this will help, but I don't need to prioritize at the moment. So now I have to break into the forge and repair the shackles.

The shackles have been repaired and now there is only a little left - to shackle the offender in them. But for this, in order to accomplish this, it is necessary, for the start, to find it. And I found him. Only for some reason he showed superiority, and he locked me in a crypt in a cemetery, and besides, he planted a bomb. But my natural intelligence and resourcefulness helped me get out of captivity and continue the search. And they led me to some strange ancient town, which, for some reason, resembled the ruins of a town in Old Greece. Well, it's not so important when you have harsh goals. It was here that I found another 1st falcon. After that, I went to the waterfall, behind the aqua stream of which I found the last one. When I returned to the pier to leave the peninsula, Cantello was already waiting for me there with a pistol in his hands. But I managed to stop time and put shackles on him. And the assistants of the Lord of Time, the winged furies, took him away with them. And rightly so, such a person is not even willing to mourn. The sarcophagus is repaired, the falcons are returned to their place, and time has returned to normal again. Now I am measured, I will not disappear! Because Cantello did not want anyone to leave the peninsula, he mined the runway for a seaplane. But I am a capable girl and quickly coped with mine clearance. Having taken a frightened old man with us on the liner, we successfully left the peninsula. And I hope I don't come back here again. Well, perhaps only as a tribute to their native places. Once every couple of years. In the bonus level, you will see how the frightened old man met Cantello and what was made for this, so that temporary chaos would never happen again.This video game is another brainchild of the ERS group that we all love, for this reason, for a long time it will be redundant to talk about the colorfulness, realism, and fascination of the game (such a pun!). The video game has four difficulty modes, the final one being customizable. The journal is designed in the form of a mobile phone, where everything is there - all records, current tasks, a map, saved videos and photographs. The map is interactive, but slightly small, and at times it's hard to quickly find the location you need to hit at the moment. But since there is not much running around, it can be neglected. In the maps ishem-collecting morphings in total number of 20 - clocks of various types. Finding them is very difficult, so be careful. Subsequently, with the help of them, you can open a fleeting portal. As assistants you have a true friend - a cute dog. He will be able to help find by smell, get hard-to-reach, dig deep buried and perform other useful tasks. During the game we take photos of various sights of the island.

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