Genshin Impact - Rosary Talents


Rosalia Talents in Genshin Impact? The game project developed in the genre of action-RPG, where all actions occur with the view from a third party, and the player will have to go to the colorful, open for the world research.

Plug into the charming atmosphere, go through various tests, solve secrets and enjoy the beautiful environment.

Rosary's abilities in Genshin Impact

Rosary's ability. It has five consecutive attacks with a spear that only a couple of percent is inferior to damage. Rosary tactics This moves behind your goal and pierces the spear damn damage. At the same time, it will not be able to move behind the back of the big enemies. This skill greatly increases the mobility of the characters, is the devastating rosary weapon.
The second talent Increases the chance of a critical strike of a rosary by 12% for 5 seconds after applying the skill.

Rosaria waves his spear to apply a big damage to the nearest opponents and a sticking icy spear into the ground, which for 8 seconds to apply Bio damage around the area around it.
Third talentMakes a rosary useful for his group or after its application the chance of a critical strike of all members of the squad except the rosary itself to increase by 15% of the chance of a critical strike of the rosary itself.
A selection of arts will depend on how many big digits of the rosary will issue with its abilities. At the beginning of the game, sets are perfectly suitable: warrior, soul bravery and berserk.

In the clock, the main stats take the attack in the Cup Physical damage.

Weapon. The best options will be the five-star nephite Korshun, which has excellent stats.
Also, our heroine will suit 4 spears.
1. Chernogorsk peak.
2.Merial battle.
3. Peak Crescent.
4. Royal spear.

And this is all you need to know which talents, the ability of the Rosary in Genshin Impact. If you have something boldly leave a comment below.

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