Ghostrunner how to pass a puzzle


Find out in this manual How to solve a puzzle in Ghostrunner if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Ghostrunner This cruel slasher game first-person with a superdynamic plot unfolding in the gloomy cyber-world futuristic supercontstructure world. Go through the way from the bottom to the top, follow the kimaster and give him the merit. That's how to solve the riddle.

How to pass a puzzle in Ghostrunner?

The game has only a few cybervoid puzzles that you have to worry about, and the rest are simply platform tasks, but, like everything else in the world of Ghsotrunner, they become only more difficult than you are moving. This guide will show you how to solve each puzzle, but otherwise it does not contain spoilers.

The Climb.

Your first test in cybervoid occurs at the third level. It is called "climbing" and is basically a platform task in which you need to interact with the correct figures in the correct order to arrange platforms in accordance with the template so that you can open the way to fall in the center and exit void.

Each switch, so to speak, has a different number of blocks that represent what platform they move on the map. The order in which you need to click on the hem, the following:

  1. Four blocks
  2. Two blocks
  3. Four blocks (again)
  4. Three blocks

As soon as you beat them all in this order, you can jump into the center and return to the game.

Breathe In.

The puzzle of the fifth level is not at all similar to the first. You will find yourself in a room with two huge discs on the wall that you need to rotate so that the chain is completed. All you need to do is connect the gold part with red using switches for rotating disks. The first section is very simple. Just press the right switch once, then to the left.

In the second sector, difficulty increases almost unfair. Now you have three switches connected to five rotating disks. Here is a solution facing the wall:

  1. Left switcher
  2. Medium switch
  3. Left switcher
  4. Right switch
  5. Medium switch
  6. Medium switch
  7. Medium switch
  8. Left switcher

When everything is completed, the light will open the output, and you will be free.

Reign in Hell.

The last cybervoid in the game based on the puzzle appears at the 14th level. You will find yourself in a peculiar courtyard with a lot of doors, followed by a certain number of lamps. You need to determine the correct order of passing through the doors to pick up all the orches, starting with two doors in the first room.Не удалось загрузить все результаты.ПовторитьПовторная попытка…Повторная попытка…Just take two orba, go through the door to the right with two lamps, take the third ball, turn and go through the door with one lantern.

The procedure for passing the second room is as follows:

  1. One door with a lantern
  2. The door with five lamps
  3. Four-lanterns door
  4. One door with a lantern
  5. The door with three lamps

The last room works in the same way. Here is the way:

  1. The door with five lamps
  2. Return through the door with five lamps
  3. The door with three lamps
  4. Door with two lamps
  5. Return through the door with two lamps
  6. Four-lanterns door
  7. One door with a lantern
  8. Door with two lamps
  9. Four-lanterns door
  10. The door with three lamps

Thanks to this, you will choose from the last cyberpostot. That's all you need to know how to get a puzzle in Ghostrunner..

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