Dota 2: Tips and Tactics Newcomers


To learn great to play Dota 2, you need to know the 7 main rules. These rules are obliged to know any player in Dota 2, especially new, which have not yet mastered all the secrets and trifles of the game. They will help beginners gamers to feel the decisiveness in themselves and make contact with their own partners.

1. Plice over the choice of the protagonist. In Dota 2 more than 100 characters, and they are all strong in their own way. Protagonist It is necessary to give preference pushing out of the alterations. There are so called antiheroes in fact for any hero. In other words, they destroy them by default, defeat the rest of the characters. If you want to win, do not press the "Random" key, because there may be absolutely your entire team about this. Choosing a protagonist blindly, you cross all the team plans and have to invent the newest strategy, and is not a precedent that the victorious.

2. Collect the necessary things. The assembly of relics is one of the important parts of the game. This nuance must be taken seriously. It is not necessary to always take the recommended things, you can retreat from them. Sometimes the purchase of one faithful subject can be hired by the enemy protagonist, from time to time and pair.

3. Moral. There is in mind the moral of the whole team. If a supporter made an oversight, it is not necessary to humiliate it and refer to the end words. Much more effectively will be bored with a team (supporter), in which case it is most likely such a kind of an oversight will not be performed anymore. Be more short, you still can allow you to make a mistake, then you will like to humiliate.

4. Remember to look at the mini-card. Almost all new do not even use a mini card, but in vain. Nevertheless, it is displayed absolutely all information about the next thing is that at the moment it is performed on locations. If the enemy was removed from the line of your supporter, and he ordered to announce, on the mini-card you can track for it. Either gather and throw on the enemy protagonist at the expense of a favorable position. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of a mini-card, it will be able to help you win the game.

5. Reinforcement team. Dota 2 - First, command game. Do not try to do everything in one helmet, correctly communicate and help your own team. Make yourself together and attack your enemies. This is much more efficient, to counterattack alone.

6. Do not give up. In this game, even if you are thoroughly behind the gold and experience, one successful scuffle can all rejected. Under no circumstances, it is impossible to give up, in Dota 2 you need to play before the victorious ending.Develop a solution plan together with partners and try to rejected the game in your own side.

7. This is just a game. If you lost, do not perceive near the heart. You still have a lot of games, you should not waste health for fun. Treat easier to the game, and you will notice how everything is exchanged.

Game Page: Dota 2.

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