Path of Exile - how to sell things


Hyde for the sale of items in the path of exile You are an exile, which is trying to survive in the gloomy world of Racklast.

Fighting for your life, you are trying to take revenge on who is part of you on this fate. Path of Exile is created by players for players. It is online Action RPG in a dark fantasy world. The game is completely free and has no pay-to-win items.

Create hundreds of ligaments of skills of skills and move along a huge tree of passive skills. Combine skills, support and activators stones to create a unique combination for the destruction of enemies.

How to Sell Things in Path Of Exile

Here mostly, everything you need to know is how to put the goods in the chat. To do this, opening the chat, clay with the combination of Ctrl + Alt + LKM on the goods sold and it is displayed in the conversation. Next only specify the price and wait for your offer. But it is important to understand several moments. Do not hold your trade fraud in the general chat, where the players simply communicate. For such purposes there are shopping chat. And it is not necessary to throw off two posts per minute, shouting that "I give up this way." Write your messages not so often, respecting other players filling the chat.

Poe chat rooms are broken through the rooms that removes the need for a common chat. The chat system is divided into different rooms where representatives from a certain region are collected. This circumstance makes it possible to stumble upon the dead chat, which is not quite good. But this can be corrected by using the command / Trade # or / Trade # En, if you want to get into English chat. The grille is the number of the room in which you want to go. And another advice for those who are going to sell in the English-speaking segment of the game. Reduce the phrase "I want to sell" in WTS, and "I want to buy" - WTB.

Other Trade and Transfer Methods in Path Of Exile

If you do not want to spend money on premium tabs, but also the trade of exile in the chat does not suit you, we can tell you another way to make gaming money - this is a currency trade.

In this case, you do not need to invest anything or long to wait. Look for those places on the map that can supply you expensive currency. For example, T9 repository where you can get the spheres of elevation. After gaining currencies, run to the trading platform and with the help of wholesale subjects, change the currency with other players. Thus, you will receive the necessary currency without spending a penny. Just need to know where to farm.

There is nothing more to say about sales. Having learned and sobering in all aspects of trade, it will be much easier for you during the game, as you can get almost any product.

And that's all you need to know about how to set things in the path of exile. There is something boldly leave a comment below.

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