Valheim - How to cut down spruce, pine or beech


Guide: How to cut down a spruce, pine or beech tree in Walheim is a game in which you have to explore a huge fantasy world steeped in Scandinavian mythology and Viking culture.

The Valkyries have ferried your soul to the tenth Scandinavian world as a guardian, where you must journey to the edge of the realm, from the deepest forest to the highest mountain peak, slaying beasts from myths and legends that Odin himself feared. You will create powerful weapons, build unshakable castles and sail towards the horizon to prove yourself to the Allfather, and of course, die trying! Well, to prevent this from happening, you should be guided by our guide.

How to cut spruce, pine or beech in Valheim?

Everything is quite simple, for cutting these trees you will need a stone axe. If you do not have it, then making it will not be a huge problem: you will need to collect 5 units of wood and 4 units of stone. These materials are easy to find in the grasslands biome on the ground like branches and small pebbles. An ax can be made without a tool.

And that's all you need to know about: How to cut a spruce, pine or beech in Valheim. If you have something to add feel free to leave a comment below.

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