Phasmophobia how attacks the ghost


Find out this manual how attacks the ghost to Phasmophobia if you are still interested in this question, then read further, we will tell you how to do it.

Phasmophobia is a psychological horror with a cooperative network regime for 4 players. Paranormal activity is growing, and you and your team will have to use all available equipment for ghost hunting to assemble as much evidence as possible. That's how the ghost attacks.

How does the ghost attack in Phasmophobia?

After the phase is completed, the ghost configuration may at any time enter the phase of hunting, and sanity has a huge impact when the ghost enters it.

The events occurring in every round of "phasephobia" affect the sanity, and the state of the sanity of each player can be viewed in the "truck". The maximum level of sanity in all players is 100% equal, and it will decline if you watch the ghost's activities or the ghost itself, use a spiritual board (if only the ghost is not a demon!), Remain in dark rooms, etc.

The lower the average level of sanity in the team, the higher the chance that the ghost will enter the hunt phase. Candles - they are immune to the ability of the ghost to force the light of flickering - other lights, as well as pills of sanity - these are all ways to either save sanity, or restore up to 40% sanity with tablets.

As in the case of a setup phase, the duration of the ghost hunt phase is determined by the complexity of the task that is currently running, as well as the map size.

As soon as the setup phase is over or interrupted and the hunt phase begin, you and your team will have a short period of time to go and hide in different rooms, cabinets or even for furniture before the ghost will find the body and starts looking for someone to kill. Usually he chooses the one who is in the field of his vision, so to survive, do not forget to hide or continue to run.

The hunt phase will end, when either the player will be killed, or the timer will end. However, if you play a "nightmare" complexity, the ghost will continue to hunt after killing you or teammate before the end of the hunting phase, so the whole team will be in danger until the ghost stop.

That's all you need to know about how attacks the ghost in Phasmophobia..

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