Far Cry 3 How to Reset Avantpass


Find out in this manual How to reset the cashposts in Far Cry 3, if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Far Cry 3 events occur on the island. Where heavy armed commanders are exchanged slaves. Where on unwanted guests hunt for reward. And when you take a desperate mission to save your friends, comes the realization that the only way to avoid this mobile to meet her face to face. Here's how to reset the outposts.

How to reset the cashposts in Far Cry 3?

To reset the outposts, after conquering all the devices and the end of the game, you can reset the outposts by selecting "reset the outposts" in the game settings menu. In this case, all the outposts will become hostile, and all unfinished side missions and quests will be hidden.

That's all you need to know how to lose cashposts in Far Cry 3..

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