GENSHIN IMPACT - All endings with Nuelhel


In this guide, we will tell how to open and finish all six endings with Nuelhe in Genshin Impact?

Manual in all ending with Nuelhe in Genshin Impact

How to unlock the ending 1: "Cold Reception"

This final is heavy for Noel. After that, she is disappointed a little. If you want to get it. Here are the options that you need to do, with a breakdown by these sections in the game:

During knightly learning they say:

  1. "You know ... it's not normal to be a knight."
  2. "Regardless of how small the tasks, they still need someone who take care of them. I fully perform small tasks. "
  3. "The strength to combat powerful enemies comes only with the experience gained during the fulfillment of smaller tasks."
  4. "Think about every small task as some learning."

In the book "The Art of Hospitality" say:

  1. "Give it to Noel. She will take care of the situation. "
  2. "Imported?"
  3. "... done specifically for you."
  4. "Easier to get?"
  5. "This was made specifically for you."
  6. "Noel, we still have anything else in our route?"
  7. "This was made specifically for you."
  8. "She is a future Favorian Knight."
  9. "Allow me."
  10. "If you understand, I have nothing to talk about."
  11. "He had an ominous conspiracy, so I drove it."

How to get the ending 2: "Goodbye Miss Maid"?

This final shows that Noel is so cute beloved, which can combine his identity of the Knight of the Favonia with the fact that she is a maid.

Here are the options that you need to do, with a breakdown by these sections in the game:

During knightly learning they say:

"You know ... it's not normal to be a knight."

  1. "Regardless of how small the tasks, they still need someone who take care of them. I fully perform small tasks. "
  2. "The strength to combat powerful enemies comes only with the experience gained during the fulfillment of smaller tasks."
  3. "Think about every small task as some learning."

In the book "The Art of Hospitality" say:

  1. "I will follow him. Nothing bad will not happen. "
  2. "Imported?"
  3. "... as Noel shows hospitality."
  4. "Process of brewing?"
  5. "It's just a way of noel to show hospitality."
  6. "Noel, we still have anything else in our route?"
  7. "It's just a way of noel to show hospitality."
  8. "She is the servant of the Knights of the Favonia."
  9. "But at least it seems that the problem is solved."

How to get the ending 3: "Overhead maid"?

Finally, the story showing the victory of Noel as a warrior in battle.

Here are the options that you need to do, with a breakdown by these sections in the game:

During knightly learning they say:

  1. "The knights of the Favonia have ... maid?"
  2. "Of course, why do you want to start?"
  3. "Knight's exercises?"
  4. "What don't you miss, so it's forces!"

During the "power of Noel" they say:

one."Because ... you still need more strength!"

During strength training, say:

  1. "Not."
  2. "Your strength blew me!"

How to get the ending 4: "Will of the defender - their strength"?

In this finals, Noel shows his heroism as a defender of weak.

Here are the options that you need to do, with a breakdown by these sections in the game:

During knightly learning they say:

  1. "The knights of the Favonia have ... maid?"
  2. "Of course, why do you want to start?"
  3. "Knight's exercises?"
  4. "What don't you miss, so it's forces!"

During the "power of Noel" they say:

  1. "Is that because you lack real combat experience?"
  2. "Noel, you always worked as a maid in Mondhstadt, right?"
  3. "You can start with training in the vicinity of Mondstadt."

During live practices, tell me:

  1. "It is precisely because the strength of one knight is limited, the Knights of the Favonia were formed. You don't seem? "
  2. "We were pretty far."
  3. "You have become stronger."
  4. "The intention was different."

How to finish ending 5: "Mystery, called love"?

In this final, the Knight-maid-maid Nael finally begins to understand the romance and its role to the maid.

Here are the options that you need to do, with a breakdown by these sections in the game:

During knightly learning they say:

  1. "The knights of the Favonia have ... maid?"
  2. "Of course, why do you want to start?"
  3. "Knight's exercises?"
  4. "What you lack, so this is a holiday."
  5. "Stop for a periodic recreation is all that you need to train your maximum opportunities"
  6. "And as for tea, let's drink!"

During the fleeting rest, tell me:

  1. "I will definitely do everything possible ..."
  2. "... So, Quinn feels that bi cannot tell him anything important ..."
  3. "It does not matter, only the thought is important."
  4. During the gift and intention say:
  5. "But now is not the best time to disturb them ..."
  6. "Nothing to beat ..."

How to get the ending 6: "whisper of paper rose"?

This is considered the best finality that can get noel. It has everything - a fighter, romance and emotional arch. What else do you need?

To achieve this final, you need to pronounce these specific dialogs:

During knightly learning they say:

  1. "The Knights of the Favonia have ... So Quinn feels that the bi cannot tell him anything important ..."
  2. "It does not matter, only the thought is important."

During the gift and intention say:

  1. "Cape Oath."

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