Level list of Dota 2 characters (July 2021)


Metaeim Dota 2 is sadly known for which it can change and changes the course in the blink of an eye, given the flexible nature of the roles of heroes and the enormous influence of objects on the game.

Especially today, we should expect a variety of tournament metagues, in which only a few heroes remain without a choice.

At the highest levels of the game party can be won or played before the appearance of crips. A good composition of the heroes can play a decisive role between the struggle for height and the team with heroes that complement each other and form a well-established car.

In this list of levels composed on the basis of the current competitive methageama, it is shown that the heroes most often choose professional teams and which heroes are distinguished by the percentage of victories. Please note that this list will not include all heroes, mainly because in Dota, there are too many of them so that they can be counted. Instead, we divide the list of about 40 most popular and efficient heroes.

Weplay Animajor was a relatively diverse and exclusive meta, largely due to the fact that players came to Ukraine a few weeks before the start - a luxurious time compared to the past Major. Since the players constantly pauses and watched the early stages of the tournament, it allowed some previously unpopular heroes to quickly rise and fall in the ranking of the competitive recruitment. However, several familiar persons continued to be extremely relevant.

First level

  • Templar Assassin.
  • Brodmother.
  • Ancient Apparition
  • Dragon Knight
  • Mars.
  • PUCK.
  • Lion.
  • Viper.
  • Winter Wyvern.
  • NYX Assassin.
  • Phoenix.
  • Enchantress
  • TerrorBlade.

The first level includes heroes that appear in almost every stage of the draft, whether thanks to their role flexibility, versatility suitable for any draft, or a unique set of skills, which can not repeat any other hero. Expect that these heroes will be adjusted in front of the largest tournament of the year, The International 10, and associated qualifying tournaments.

Templar Assassin.

Lanaya was the queen of a family. Its accelerated growth with ancient and neutral stamps has always been well known, but its popularity exploded along with the strengthening of the spear of the Dragon.

It took several patches, but the Buff "Psi-blades" of Templar-Assassin in version 7.28, where the area of ​​the lesion now depends on the range of the hero's attack, and not a fixed value, was finally used to fully. Together with the Talent of the PSI Blides of the 10th level and Dragon Lance, the hero could affect units at a distance of 1,750 units, which is more than 1,200 units of Blink Dagger.

This gave her such an instant and effective surge of strength at the very beginning. But this is not all that she could offer. Her 25-level talent, which gives it eight additional instances of Refraction, and in all of them 14, means that it is a monstrous carrier in the late game - the level she regularly reaches due to its pharmaceution.Improving Aghanim's Scepter, allowing it to use Psionic Projection on traps, also gave her a ridiculous shooting mechanism and split pushing, which even more provided her superiority in the late game.


Known as horror pubs, Broodmother can make horror and professional teams that do not take precautions against its abilities to win Line and farm. If it was weak in previous patches, now the Black Arazhni has become a terrifying infection in off-lane.

Instead of buying the familiar Diffusal Blade or Orchid Malevolence, in the third position of Brood, it seems to focus on wining her strip and carry a pair of steamed with ORB OF CORROSION, and then turn into a command combat hero using items with a clean aura, such as Pipe of Insight and Guardian Greaves. But even in this case, her farm does not suffer due to her young spiders who populate every corner in the strip and the jungle of the enemy.

Even in those games that Brodmother lost, she consistently destroyed her strip. She can lose the pace, especially when her own team does not fight around her. Her role is more like a bulky team fighter, and not on an irritant splitpuster of past years, and she will certainly be reduced.

Ancient Apparition

Powerful Lanning Ancient Apparition Even on the fifth position meant that he was the main choice of support, and an ultimative ICE Blast remains an effective way to global assistance to ganks from a safe distance. He also stops healing, which is a huge plus in a meta-strategy with a predominance of Holy Locket.

Kalra's attack range is above average - 675 - allows it to be safe to poke to the side during Layn, from time to time intensifying cheap on Mana, but inflicting decent damage Chilling Touch. Ice whirlwinds can be imposed from afar, providing valuable intelligence information, as well as slowing the speed of movement and imposing debuff to magic resistance.

Cold Feet is not the most reliable stun, but the predominance of blocking initiators, such as Dragon Knight and Mars, makes it a spell more than sufficient for a hero with so much of other advantages.

Dragon Knight

Knight Dragon Davion may have already been filmed in the Netflix's own show, but during Major he was in the spotlight.

Although the average strip was his favorite battlefield, the hero was not less frequent in Off-Lane. Additional health and armor Dragon Blood allowed him to be easy to survive in a heavy strip, and his "Dragon Tail" with a large duration of action is able to kill even at the first level. When it reaches the sixth level, its shape of a green dragon will allow him to become a mobile siege car, which is difficult to destroy.

Mind_Control's Nigma became a pioneer in creating a maximum build with a dragon tail, fully focused on initiating and obtaining a four-second stun and Blink Dagger as early as possible, which gave an alternative build for a non-advantageous hero.


Among the highest echelon heroes, he probably got the least of all the Buffes in updating Mistwoods, and in some aspects, it may have been weakened. Nevertheless, the God of War continues to exist and is one of the most selected heroes in DPC and Major.

Ultimate Mars "Arena Blood" is one of the best command combat skills in the game, and its low waiting period does it even better. In difficult situations, he can even act as a protective zone, as it blocks the distant attacks of the heroes outside the ring.

In addition, the hero is managed to apply a lot of damage even from the position outside the ring. Its natural tank, especially against physical damage, allows him to do without more greedy items, such as the devastant. In combination with his new talent of the 15th level, which shortens the time of the "reproach of God" to six, the god of war justifies his name as a terrible beach on the battlefield.


Even after, starting with version 7.28b, five patches in a row were reduced, the popularity of Faerie Dragon almost did not decrease. The hero is an excellent lanera with a high base damage and an excellent attack animation, and also turns into a magnificent wave cleaner with the ability to work as a Hudini Esquiper.

Low Couldauna PUCKA make it just a dreamy crowd controller in command battles and skirmishes. Silence Waning Rift is always useful, and the annoying mechanic leash Dream Coil makes it a wonderful tool blocking.

They can be used both on Offlery and on support position, although for many professional teams MIDL Lane seems like the most preferred place. Witch Blade is a de facto choice for the average paca, which gives the caster to another dimension as a hybrid damage dealer. Professionals are experimenting with the physical damage of PUCK, creating desolator and daedalus, or choose a risky magic build with DAGON - and both builds are incredibly effective. Aghanim's Scepter on this hero improves Dream Coil to break through immunity to magic, which makes it an even more able controller at the later stages of the game.


Lion has always been the possibility of locking and burly using Earth Spike, Hex and Finger of Death. But several improvements in the "Drain Mana" spell allowed the hero to sharply improve its rating in both positions of support.

Mana's leakage is, perhaps, the most effective support spell in the entire game to combat illusions thanks to the extremely low cost of mana and time. Thanks to the improvement of the fragment, it acts on three enemies and even makes the hero immune to spells while it applies spell, which is very useful for a fragile hero. Its prevalence is due to the increase in the number of carriers of illusions, in particular, terrorblade.

The lion can also restore Manu thanks to its new level 20 talent. But this is only a secondary advantage compared to the rest of the hero.


Despite the fact that the Viper was not often chosen on the Mainore, congenital Break Mechanics in Nethertoxin and strong abilities that cause damage for a certain time forced many teams to fear Netherdrake.

He was an ideal counter in several matches. Break destroys the effectiveness of several popular heroes: Bulwark Mars, Dragon Knight's Dragon Blood, Timbersaw's Reactive Armor, Spectre's Dispersion and Desolate, Ursa's Fury Swipes, and the list can be continued. And his dot cursed hell for Templar Assassin, the favorite of the tournament. In combination with his flexibility as a nucleus, when he played on all three tracks on a major, Gaduka was often forbidden, and she rarely got into the center of attention.

Winter Wyvern.

AUROTH THE WINTER WYVERN announced the ascent of Holy Locket as a key main object, and Cold Embrace became the most important hero spell. Since many major heroes preferred to a tank, then thanks to the percentage of this spell, the Allies regularly received thousands of hit points with a 15-second waiting time, which also made them immune to physical damage.

Healing is an important tool for maintaining health, but an ultimative "winter curse" is part of the universal set that the aurot possessed. In version 7.29, the "Curse of Winter" ended prematurely, but numerous buffs that increase its time, a bonus for the speed of attack and duration, with more than compensated for this.

A fragment of the Vivenna, the declining time of the Cold Embrace for five seconds, most likely, would be chosen if it were all that was proposed. An additional splinter blast with a radius of action 1,2 was a secondary advantage that was sometimes useful.

NYX Assassin.

NYX Assassin shares some dexterity at the beginning of the game to absolute troubles after the completion of the game stage, forcing enemies to constantly monitor NYX.

Vendetta means that the clocks must be bought. And although this subject is cheaper than ever, he still annoys the opponents. In addition to Impale, good, although not outstanding stunning on the line, Mana Burn and Spiked Carapace provide additional utility and blocking.

Although it is often played as a simple reamer and scout, the Hero's update Aghanim's Scepter, allowing him to go into the ground and improve all his spells, makes radical changes to his style style. This allows him to become a fixed deterrent factor, throwing away distant impalas and managons of mana to create an invisible sphere of influence with which opponents should be considered.


Despite the repeated decline in the characteristics of the Fenix ​​set, the hero remains one of the best helpers in the team combat in the game. Since the heroes outside the line, as a rule, rotate around bulky, wide-profile initiators, such as Mars and Tidechanter, Phoenix is ​​an ideal addition, despite the comparative lack of rigid debuff compared to other supports.

Damage from the spells of this hero is one of the highest, it enhances the sunbeam and supernova.It becomes particularly powerful when Phoenix captures shard aghanging, allowing it to play a sunbeam during a ultimate and adding another restraining factor for enemies drunking his egg. With a holy medallion, the healing potential of the solar beam also increases.

Of all the skills of the Phoenix, Fire Spirits suffered the strongest, but it remains an unpleasant spell with which you have to face the strip. It helps the Phoenix to trade, despite its weak armor and attack, and can serve as an unpleasant, easily landed magic damage if your line partner can press the enemy to Earth.


The army of illusions and metamorphosis of terrorblade proved that in many games they cause an overwhelming physical damage, with ease of demolishing the heroes and buildings at a distance.

One of the few carriers in a safe lane capable of shooting the early stacks of ancient, terrorblade is able to accelerate the faster than many. Conjure image illusions with a high duration of action also help him without risk to spend splitpushing and cut the waves, taking the farm even from the most dangerous parts of the card.

The refraction also remains an effective spell against Kerry. The slowdown and the vision, which it gives, provide additional dimension. A good TerrorBlade player will also be able to use Sunder at full capacity, forcing enemies to play differently around an ultimate, for example, to use Black King Bar before, or buying Lotus Orbs.


Enchantress is reborn after a short lack of attention. Playing mainly as support in any role, the signature of Enchant Hero helps dominate the tracks in several directions.

Now she is the only hero capable of taking a large neutral crip from the first minute, which is probably as strong as the hero at an early stage. At the fifth position of Enchantress, most likely will force an opponent outside the line to take a difficult decision to block the camp of crips, which will make it impossible to beat them and will further increase the advantage of its team.

Ultra "Non-acceptability" makes Enchanttress almost invulnerable to physical damage, allowing her to move and spend time even with a small amount of gold. However, it is well scaled in the late game due to severe dispersion and slowdown on Enchant, as well as a long-range damage with impetus.

Second level

  • Spectre.
  • URSA.
  • Faceless Void.
  • Morphling
  • Wraith King.
  • Luna.
  • Leshrac
  • Tiny
  • Lina.
  • Invoker
  • Ember Spirit.
  • Grimstroke.
  • Storm Spirit.
  • Doom
  • Magnus.
  • Batrider.
  • Snapfire.
  • Timbersaw.
  • Dark Seer.

The second level is stable options that do not deserve an instant ban or something extreme. Some of the heroes of this level are those that can be bolder to choose without being too much from their playing plan.


The ascent of Spectre to the highest echelon of heavy media is accompanied by the purchase of a unique item: Echo Sabre.

While she is still not enough Arcana cosmetics, the hero does not need new items for Pharma. Radiance, Necronomicon and Blademail were in fashion, but Echo Sabre is a hot novelty.Giving an impressive 15 forces, this item regenerates Manu, helping it to use Spectral Dagger, its main farm spell. A double blow helps her faster to farm, and also causes emptying, giving her the opportunity to kill lonely opponents if they go beyond the line.

Faceless Void.

Faceless emptiness never disappears. CHRONOSPHERE - one of the strongest abilities for a team combat, allowing his teammates to run damage almost at will.

Thanks to the mechanism of canceling Time Walk damage and congenital health, it is still incredibly tanker-resistant for a clever medium. Although Time Lock is no longer as Grezen, as before, Void is not inferior to him and in the damage.

Aghanim's Shard Hero fragment, Reverse Time Walk, is also surprisingly good. He allows him to jump on the shakes with impunity, returning back at the moment when danger arises. Often you can see how a faceless void jumps on the hill and quickly retreats, getting valuable information for its allies.


Morfling is an excellent Lanser one against one, especially in the Foreign Ministry, and a very hardy carrier that does not care too much about the physical damage. Since Waveform is also its salvation spell, the aggressive use of this spell can lead to fast death. However, this hero requires the team of concern about his early well-being - either the selection of a suitable matchup, or to protect his line, since at the first level it can be strongly punished and not very well Farmith, until the Legion Wraith Bands and Power Treads.

The hero is often calling for obscene support to add an additional measurement to the potential of a dextering medium in the late game; Popular combo are Earthshaker, Earth Spirit, Spirit Breaker and Dark Willow. The Morphling Scepter is at its essence becomes more valuable due to the mobility of the improved Enchant Totem or Charge of Darkness, or, for example, the presence of an unprecedented right-click gun with Shadow Realm.


The catalyst for the return of the hero in the game was the new Upgrade of Grimstroke - aghanging fragment, which enhances Ink Swell with many ways, including decent healing and strong dispersion. This skill makes it phenomenal support for the allies who like to get involved in the thick of the events, and then hold the enemies on the spot and double the monomeal spells using SoulBind.

He is still able to apply the deputy with the help of Stroke of Fate, and Phantom's Embrace can be destructive, albeit somewhat unreliable, Silence.


For a hero, who does not have two years old, and who did not receive any large-scale updates, the career trajectory Beatrix snapfire already competes with some of the oldest in the registry. At the end of 2020, the beloved grandmother in Dota 2 became the leading MID-Lanner thanks to his super-power upgrade Scepter.

Now she returned to the role of support - mainly, with the exception of several flexs in MID-Lane from bold teams. Lil 'Shredder is now the best weapon, no matter what position is the fourth or fifth - it will be put by teams thanks to Buffam in version 7.29.His component of reducing armor provides favorable conditions for trading on the line, and well-supplied Snapfire Cookie can ensure murders on these vulnerable purposes. She also acts on Roshan and towers, which makes her worthy support when her team takes goals.

Since Solar Crest is now practically necessary in any team, work on its creation mainly falls on Snapfire when it is in the composition. Early Blight Stone is effective for lanking and synergies with Lil 'Shredder, and Mana's regeneration is very useful for her.


The domination of Timbersaw in Offlery on Lane is very valued in the last month. With roaming at the position of the four in Favor, few of the heroes can solo so well on Lan and at the same time play in a draw, or even inhibit the enemy.

The hero still retains weakness to the magical damage, but Hood of Defiance softens these problems. The rest of the hero is universal and utilitarian, it is possible to make a Spelkuster with separate on-site, using such objects like Bloodstone and Boots of Travel, carrier aura, like Pipe of Insight or Guardian Greaves, or a combination of both.

Third level

  • Hoodwink.
  • Axe.
  • Phantom Lancer.
  • Death Prophet.
  • Razor
  • Dark Willow.
  • Tidehunter.
  • Elder Titan.

The third level heroes have proved their effectiveness in a limited number of games. They are good options for teams seeking to diversify their destruction to become less predictable, or as niche options for countering certain popular heroes.


In the competitive debut of the new hero Dota 2, she showed himself an annoying splitpuster, which is constantly hiding in the trees and requires several "wild goose vehicles" for the game. She also showed himself a satisfactory team fighter and ganker.

The strongest ability to hoodly - her stunning, Bushwhack, but the most unique - SharpShooter. By providing Break, a rare built-in mechanics, which is useful against several passives, the high skill damage also allows it to be easy to participate in Gank from their shelters in foliage.

Her new Scypter Aghanim's Scepter, who gives her the ability of Hunter's Boomerang, is very strong with the right selection of the composition. It reduces the speed of movement and resistance to the status of the goal and enhances the spell damage applied to it. It is synergisticly combined with the two magical abilities of Hudrink, and also significantly increases the potential of its allies.


Manta ax.

Here it is. It was this subject that I could help Mogul Khan back to me. It is perfectly combined with his new improvement in the "shard", which causes Counter Helix when attacking, increases the attack speed and increases the chance of obtaining skills by five percent.

If earlier Axe was just the initiator with a possible fantastic dunk, then thanks to Manta Style and Aghanim's Sharant it turns into a solo machine for killing. Attack Illusions cause Counter Helix, and, unlike most other sources of damage, it makes a complete, pure damage - with a probability of 25 percent and three axe, beating someone.

Of course, it is incredibly greedy and rather strange for Off-Lanner.It is noteworthy that PSG.LGD throughout the Major decided to improve AXE to Hard Carry, with the result that the AME safe-Lanner was able to achieve several record indicators on the way to victory in the tournament.

This is not the final list of heroes to choose. As already mentioned, the flexibility of roles and las in Dota 2 means that even the most non-standard selections and strategies can sometimes work. And thanks to the enormous variety of heroes available to play, it is almost always possible to find a way to enter this hero in your composition.

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