Little Misfortune Walkthrough


Text walkthrough of the game Little Misfortune. Good day to you, reader! I am your out-of-game guide, I will tell you everything you need to know about the game.

I hope, you like it. Ready? Let's go!

Game settings

Before you start playing, go to the options and turn on the Russian language and subtitles. All dialogues in the game are in English! So, if you are not a connoisseur of this language, change the settings.


At the very beginning, you will watch the prologue or Episode 1, but if your computer / laptop does not support it or freezes (like my : ), then it is possible to skip the viewing by holding any key on the keyboard.

Everything that can be sprinkled with glitter during the game should be sprinkled! Only in this way will you be able to open the bonus *eternal happiness for mom* and fully complete the game.

I put + where they are necessary for the passage of the game. In other cases, you can choose your option.

Let's examine the room from left to right.
Let's look under the bed. We read the diary (to understand the girl's life). Take the coloring (at your discretion, I took). Raise the sequins next to the dolls. Let's leave the room.
To do this, make the first choice.

A) Unicorn
D) Stone

Examine the corridor.
What do you do with the vase?

A) Repair a broken vase
D) Leave as is

Go to the kitchen.
Let's open the refrigerator. Sprinkle glitter on rabbits, soup, mom. Get outside.
Tell your mom you're leaving?

A) yes
D) No

The street

Sprinkle glitter on the car. Let's cross the road. Let's look at the *sleeping* bird and sprinkle glitter on it too. Go ahead. Episode 2 (I didn't freeze this time).

How to deal with a dog?

A) Play +
D) let go

If you choose the first - Failure will hit the ball, and the dog will be killed by a tree branch.
Sprinkle it with sequins, pick up a hat, and then the crows will carry you away.
How to escape from the clutches of birds?

A) Hit them on the balls
D) Throw glitter at the birds +

If you choose the second, the Dog will go with you and find the secret of the beach. Then the ravens will carry him away.
What do you choose?

A) Fortune Cookies
D) Dog treat

If you choose the first one, you will read the prediction.
If the latter, feed the dog.

Will you tell George about the dog accident?

A) yes
D) No

How to deal with fish?

A) let go
D) Take away

If the former, she will punch you in the face in the future.
If the latter, feed her to a seagull.

George's house

How to proceed?

A) Knock
D) Ring the bell

Sprinkle glitter on the owner of the house.
Let's leave the house. Remember, you can hold Shift and run to move faster. Come into the cave.


Suppress violence between hamsters?

A) yes
D) No

If you choose - YES. Go to the end of the cave. Press the button and go up the stairs. Now you need to complete the task and get out.
If you choose - NO. Check what's in the hamster's bag. Episode 3. Take the bag. Talk to the guard hamster. Return the bag to the old hamster. Now you have turns white. You can go to the party. Participate in a dance duel, and then follow the white rabbit.

The park

Approach the bench.
Will you read this?

A) yes
D) No

Give the fish to the seagull?

A) yes
D) No

Now let's take the fish bones.
Show off your moves?

A) Show your dancing skills
D) Let the duck dance

Have you ever stolen anything?

A) yes
D) No

You are happy?

A) yes
D) No

Do you feel loved?

A) yes
D) No

Pet cemetery

Dig up the last grave and open the small box.
Don't forget to sprinkle it with glitter afterwards.

Nora fox

Take the perfume bottle and press the lever that appears.
Use a repellent on Benjamin?

A) yes
D) No

If you use it, then spray it into your eyes. In any case, the fox will run away.

The street

How to deal with the wallet?

A) Steal
D) Return

If stolen, you will see a photo of the man's family.
If you return, you will receive a losing lottery ticket.
doors next to you. Look at them and sprinkle them with glitter.

At the stop, click on the green button, then read the ad next to it. Then sit on the bench and wait for the bus. Episode 4

How to get to the zoo?

A) Break glass +
D) lie

If at the beginning of the game you took a stone with you, then you can save the runestone.
If you took the unicorn, you can spend a runestone or lie.


Steal the seeds?

A) yes
D) No

Look at the map of the zoo and find a wolf on it.
Go to the fountain and sprinkle it with sparkles.

If we are caught: inspect the room, pull the door. The password from the pocket (5468) is entered on the computer screen. In the opened correspondence at the end of line 12, the password to the safe. Open the safe and take the key. Go away.
If you don't get caught: go into the janitor's house to find the key to the cage.
Open the cage and release the wolf. Read the letter and follow on.
Have you heard this question before?

A) yes
D) No

Did you lie to a friend?

A) yes
D) No

Have you ever seen someone die?

A) yes
D) No

Amusement park

Pick up a ticket that fell from nowhere.
Sprinkle glitter on the ghost, the poster, and the clown. Then on the evil aerial figure of a fox.
Will you eat this?

A) yes
D) No

If you eat this, you will watch Episode 5.
You need to choose an attraction on which Failure will ride.

1) Carousel with ponies.
2) A scary attraction.

Play the game *beat the fox* and win at least 1 ticket for the gold coin you need. If you win 10 times, you can tell fortunes 3 times from the fortuneteller and take 2 more prizes from the machine.
Sprinkle glitter on the skeleton hanging between the machine and the fortune teller.


Save yourself from the monster. No matter how much they scare you, you can take your time. He still won't grab you. I checked .
Your choice?

A) Play dead
D) Get up

Your choice?

A) Stop and listen to Mr. Voice
D) Keep running after Benji.

Sprinkle glitter on the trap.
Do you believe in magic?

A) yes
D) No

Do you trust me?

A) yes
D) No

Are you afraid of death?

A) yes
D) No

Fox Benjamin's house

Check out the video player. Sprinkle it with glitter.
fox diary?

A) Read Benjamin's diary
D) Respect Benjamin's privacy.

By not reading the diary, you will learn less than you could.
How to deal with tea?

A) Drink Benjamin's tea
D) Don't touch

Selecting the former will open Episode 7.
How to proceed?

A) Follow Benjamin
D) Stay in the hut

In any case, you will find yourself in a fox underground.
Move the picture on the wall and move the chair to it. Climb through the hole in the wall.
Look at the painting with the key, then climb onto the table with the chair.
Check out this picture and click on the button.
Get down. Raise Failure. Enter the opened passage.

The street

Stroke the deer, and then apply glitter.

Examine Benjamin's bag. Take and read everything you can.
Sprinkle your bag with glitter. Move on.
Sit on a bench and wait for the train.

On the train, if you took the coloring book, you can draw.
What to do with Hiro?
A) Help Hiro
D) close your eyes


Dialogue and Episode 8.
Get outside. Examine her. Tell the fox that you need to talk to mom.
Go to the portal. Follow Benjamin.
Ring the bell. The petals on the tree will light up, how much you have gained infinite happiness. Go through the gate.

Get your prize!

Game over! Hope you had a good time and enjoyed it.
See you soon.

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