Juggernaut - Download Persian up to 10 lvl


General note: All red words are clickable and open information about a monster, item, or navigate to another article.

1 level

And so, you appear in the house of Akrylon's mentor. You won’t be able to get away from completing the quest given by him, therefore we carefully read the proposed text and go get acquainted with the combat system in Juggernaut. It is extremely simple and I consider it necessary to focus on only one point: Rage. At the bottom of the combat screen, between the hit buttons, there is a special scale. When your character takes damage, this bar gradually fills up. By pressing successively on the scale of rage and on the strike button, you will receive an enhanced blow. The more rage you accumulate, the stronger the attack will be, respectively. A full scale of rage allows you to increase the impact by 50%.

Rage is needed not only to strengthen the blow, if at the end of the battle the enemy’s health is 4 times less than the strength of your blow, then the last blow with the use of rage has a chance to become an Execution - a particularly spectacular technique, which will double your experience.
Thus, having completed the first quest and familiarized yourself with the combat system, you begin your life journey in Haradan. In the early stages of the game, I recommend not rushing through the quests. The first three or four levels of experience are easily taken by destroying mobs in the starting location: Gryzlov and Hiss. It will take you no more than 30 minutes to get 3 lvl. After completing the first quest, go to the Village Shop and immediately get yourself affordable armor (in the Weapons section), visit the shop after each lvl upgrade and regularly dress up in new armor. By the way, other sections of the shop at this stage are useless to you - the goods they offer are either not yet required by you, or until you can afford it.

3 level

Swinging on gnaws and hisses is already becoming somewhat more difficult, so we return to Akrylon, take the quest "The first task of the scorpion" from him. After completing it, we move to the location of the Gorge and find Vernon's Sanctuary there and complete the quest "The Tragedy of the Ghost" there. During this quest, you will have to run well and fight a lot. As a reward, you will receive experience, some reputation money, and... the Ghost's Tears resource. To be honest, I don’t understand why it is needed for the quest 2 lvl, perhaps for other quests that have not yet been introduced, you can try to sell it, or just throw it away. In general, by completing these two quests you will almost certainly get 4 lvl. At this level, the first instance in the game becomes available to you: Gloomy Cave (entrance from the Gorge). You can see information on this and subsequent instas in your book. I can only say that the main reward of this insta Ogre Amulet is also a very useful thing and up to lvl 7-8 it is a must to purchase it.

4th level

With this level, you will settle in the gorge for a long time. At lvl 4, Akrylon will offer you the "Smart Boots" quest. Questions often arise: "Why are Schegolskie boots better than usual?" and "Is it worth it to get them?". The answer is unequivocal: worth it! The fact is that despite their slight difference from ordinary boots and the exorbitantly high price, smart boots are vital for your character, because up to lvl 13 you will not have an alternative to them. Actually, in the course of completing this quest, you will probably have time to get 5 lvl (do not forget to purchase your first weapon in the village shop - a club).
A separate topic is the acquisition of other dandy things. After exchanging the Dapper Boots, Akrylon will offer you to assemble the Dapper Cuirass and the Dapper Leggings. The pieces of durable skin needed to assemble them are knocked out from Red Cannibal Mouths, which can be called into battle by angering any monster of 3-7 lvl. It is worth remembering that the cannibal is not at all obliged to resort to battle on demand, and sometimes it takes a very long time to wait and anger. It is far from always possible to defeat the cannibal alone - you need to hunt for him as part of a group. But in return, from each cannibal, 5 pieces of durable skin immediately fall out. For each item, you need 25 skins and 100g (100 gold coins). The standard drop rule applies to skins: you do not receive a reward for killing a mob whose level is more than 1 lvl lower than yours. At the same time, the strength of the cannibal grows along with his lvl. As you already understood, assembling a complete set of Shchegolsky things is a very laborious and lengthy task. Moreover, at lvl 8 and 9, the cuirass and leggings are replaced with more effective recruiting items, which means that the Dapper Set is only relevant for lvl 3-8 (with the strange exception of boots). A simple mob level doesn't require these items, however if you're looking for a long game and hero development, the Fancy Set will give you a huge advantage over most opponents in your level group.

5th level

At lvl 5, we take the quest "Forest Exile" during which you move to the location of the Field and get acquainted with such NPCs as Melnik Delus and the Beast Grogo. This quest has several ways to pass. I recommend not to drive Grogo away, but to help him prove his innocence, for which you need to kill the Dire Mouths in the fields, get the Bell and give it to Delus. During the passage of the quest, these details will become clearer to you. The main advantage of such a solution to the problem is the ability to exchange tobacco pouches with Grogo for various small items such as consumables or spare parts for medallions. Sometimes he gives a more valuable item: the Mask of Intimidation artifact. In addition to the "outcast" in the fields, such quests as "Guarding the Fields" and "Bloody Harvest" are performed, both quests are focused on the destruction of stag beetles and do not differ in anything special. "Bloody Harvest" is a repeatable quest, available once a day. Quests like this are required. For them, they give Radway's Reputation, which will be very useful in the future, so they should be performed regularly.

6th level

Has several interesting features. From now on, your respawn (place of recovery after death) is transferred to the city of Brenendal, where a new store, stables where you can buy mounts and a warehouse for storing things become available to you. Naturally, all this pleasure is not free, to the best of your ability, be sure to learn how to ride horses and mules and purchase a key to the warehouse - all this will come in handy more than once.
At lvl 6, we take the task "Blood Message" from Akrylon. To complete it, you need to kill the boss of the Gloomy Cave, so it would be nice to link the quest to one of the trips to this instance. We move to the Devastated Lands location, where we complete the quests "Passion for Apples" and "Blood with Milk" (they are taken in the same place in the grounds from the shepherd Timby). "Blood with Milk" - a repeatable quest for Radway's Reputation, we regularly complete it together with the "Bloody Harvest" quest. In addition, at lvl 6, the "Failure" instance becomes available to you (entrance from the Devastated Lands) In this instance, you can get your first green things. Related to this instance are the Miller Delus quests "The Root of Evil" and "The Amazing Bread" (the latter is a repeatable quest).

7th level

Magic gloves become available to you (A recruit's glove is bought in a city store). These gloves contain various spells to support allies and deal damage to the enemy. To use the glove, you need to open a special panel in battle (an icon with two arrows under the rage bar). This panel displays the available spells and the sequences of hits needed to cast them.Also, from lvl 7, the following characteristic will be displayed in the things you purchase: "the power of magic XXX + n". This stat will increase the damage dealt by impact spells of the boosted element. Therefore, all subsequent equipment must be selected under the element of the attacking spell of the glove. Depending on the type of glove, the number and profile of spells varies. Finally, it pays off to complete the repetitive quests for Radway's turnip. From lvl 7, with a reputation level of 300, in the rare goods store (wind quarter, Brenendal) you can purchase magic crystals. Defeating the Crystal Guardian will reward you with a profile amulet for one of the green armor sets.

Also at this level, you have to take the voluminous quest "The Case of the Raging Bull" (taken from Commander Yul in the city). When you complete the quest, you will receive a Bandit's Mask, using which you can regularly rob the miller Delus and the archaeologist Imil Hvatrok (lives in the Suburbs location). The reward for them is small, however, by purchasing and using books on eloquence in the rare goods store, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of robberies. Books are quite expensive, but if you have funds, you must use them - eloquence will come in handy in the future.
After completing the quest "The Case of the Raging Bull" you will be able to access the mini-quest "Forg's Gratitude" (location Abandoned Galleries, taken in the Robber Den), after completing the quest you will be offered a choice of two new clubs: Spiked and Weighty with different characteristics.
Another quest "Priceless Head" is taken at the Crossroads from the Stone Prisoner of Erei, only after completing it, access to the Tower of Mysteries (ibid.) is opened, where you can purchase the necessary books.

8 level

At this level, the reusable quest "Swamp Onslaught" is available (taken in the same place as "Forg's Gratitude"). Reward - Long Knives Reputation. The turnip will come in handy in the future, so we complete the quest on a par with the tasks "Blood with Milk" and "Bloody Harvest". For direct character development, the following locations are suitable for us: Crossroads (Poisonous Hisses and Marsh Lights), Emilino Swamp (Swamp Lights and Mushrooms), Dark Thicket and Abandoned Adits (Rogues), Doomed Bog (Swamp Lights). Emilino Swamp and Bog of Death - Potentially dangerous for leveling. mobs of 9 and 10 lvl can join the battle in them.
Also in the swamps, the quests "The Filth of the Swamps" and "The Swamp Armada" are completed. The first one gives access to the Reputation of the Liberator of the Swamps, and the second serves to raise it. In addition, swamp turnips in varying amounts are given for killing swamp monsters of any kind and for exchanging the head of a nasty hissa with the witch Rachel. Bad Hissa is a swamp mini-boss, summoned in the same way as Ginger Gnaw-Eater.

For the swamp turnip from the same witch Rachel, you can purchase various Swamp pomace to create Swamp Potions (prepared from swamp reagents - a drop from local mobs) and Signs of Salvation and Death. It is not rational to use such consumables on mobs. It's most useful in PvP fights on the mainland if you join a faction early.

9th level

Finally we are fixed in the swamp locations and without stopping, we destroy the inhabitants there by the hundreds until we get 10 lvl.

Recommended equipment: up to lvl 10, the main problem of your character will be a constant lack of money (in the absence of a valuable drop and without an infusion of real). To solve this problem, I advise you to use artifacts such as Burdock and Burdock Bush on an ongoing basis. They increase the drop of money and, with the right expenditure in battle, will give a constant income. At lvl 6, we boldly throw out the burdock and gradually replace it with Lucky Coins. Theoretically, their advantage over burr is small, however, with the constant growth of mobs and the increase in the reward for them, the effect will become noticeable. If you are orienting your character towards the level of heroism, then you will need a second set of artifacts - especially for PB. Two types of arts can be included in this set: for increasing initiative and for increasing heroism received. Artifacts of the first type include: Golden Eagle, Helmet of the Ancient Hero, Mask of Intimidation, etc. using these arts will give you a chance to strike first in combat. Artifacts of the second type include: Excised Crown, Conqueror's Scepter, etc. It is worth noting that the acquisition of the second set and, in general, the quality of heroism is an expensive and time-consuming pleasure. You should not get down to business if you are not confident in your abilities and do not have a specific goal, although the experience of PVP battles in the future will be vital for you. Recommended filling:

For a solo game, the following set is quite enough: 2 small elixirs of life, 1 small elixir of a hero, 10 small strengthening orbs. Up to lvl 7 for a fight, you probably won’t have to use more than 3-4 orbs, ale and a hero are needed only in an unforeseen situation (connecting a second mob or being crit by a monster). From lvl 7-8, the consumption of orbs will increase slightly, but ales will remain your NZ in any case. In the presence of medallions, we charge them instead of one of the ales and use them in the most difficult situations, with an increase in lvl, they are of no use. For the arena, always stock up on the most expensive ammunition, I won’t even explain here - after a couple of fights, you yourself will understand my innocence. Buy as follows:

For a moboboy: 30 small ales, 400 small boosters and 10 small heroes (stock for 60-100 fights with the rest, depends on lvl) = 104g. For the PB: (for one battle): a great hero, 2 pockets of great crosses, a fourth pocket of your choice: AK or crosses, a silver phantom idol according to its lvl = 31.88-45.64g.

Level 10

We get it, rejoice at our incredible coolness, go to the forum and read this guide for the first time.

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