Valheim - how to plant beech seeds


In this guide, we will tell you how to find and plant beech seeds in Valheim.

Beech seeds - Some of the most easily digestible seeds at the early stages of hunting.

How to plant beech seeds in Valheim?

  • Beech seeds can be easily planted with a cultivator. Seeds will turn into full-size beech for several game days.
  • As with the landing of other seeds, a small amount of tiles is required for the growth of beech seeds.
  • They will not be able to grow in the trees, if there will be enough space between the planted trees.
  • The cultivator can be created in a blacksmith using 5x Core Wood and 5x Bronze.

You can collect the main forest, the pine rubles in the Black Forest, with the help of a stone ax. You can also plant pine cones to plan and collect more pines.

Trees from beech are widespread in Biome meadows. They are distinguished by a wide crown and a light gray bark. They are available in two versions: small and large.

You can use your fist to collect firewood from smaller options. Then you will need to create a stone ax for larger.

The small option gives you 1-5 units of wood, and large - about 20 tree blocks. Beech will also fall out beech seeds, as well as resin and feathers.

How to use wood in Valheim?

Tree is an important element in Valheim. It is necessary as a material for making many recipes, such as:

  • Cirk of deer horns
  • Bronze ax and Bronze Bulaw
  • Bronze spear and bronze sword
  • Club
  • Copper knife
  • Rough Luc
  • Firebolt
  • Flint ax
  • Flint knife and flint spear
  • Silnagola Streth
  • Hammer
  • Hoe
  • Iron Bulaw
  • an iron sword
  • Street iron tip
  • Silver Streth
  • Silver Sword
  • Stone ax
  • Arrow of wood
  • Wooden shield

That's all you need to know about how to plant beech seeds in Valheim.

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