Frostpunk how to build streets


Find out how to build streets in Frostpunk, what difficulties you expect to do to fulfill the goal, read in our manual.

Good streets need to any city, especially in Frostpunk, where planning and efficiency is the difference between survival and extinction. FROSTPUNK Streets not only help workers and engineers faster in the city, but also connect buildings with the central generator. The buildings will not function if they are not connected to the street generator.

How to build streets in frostpunk

To build streets, players first need to choose them in the construction menu. PC players start with clicking on the hammer icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Do not pay attention to the construction tabs and look at the bottom of the menu. There, players will find the icon with the image of the accumulation of small lines resembling the pavement. Selecting it, you will open the street construction interface. Console players instead need to hold L2 on the PlayStation or LT on xbox. Then, in the radial menu, select the construction icon. Streets will be at the bottom of each construction tab.

Selecting the street, click and drag the mouse or cursor to pave her path. The construction of every two street segments is one piece of wood. As with any other construction, workers and engineers will build streets when they do not fulfill another task. Unoccupied citizens are always free in construction, and those who are entrusted with work are building at night and early in the morning.

Frostpunk does not allow players to build diagonal streets, and for the functioning of the street must be connected to the generator. To cancel construction or remove the street, select a red icon next to the street in the construction menu. Then the player can press and drag the muscle to the street, which he wants to remove. The demolition of the streets returns the cost of construction. Therefore, if the player has a long street that he is no longer needed, will be a good idea to demolish it for resources. Of course, this applies to each building in Frostpunk.

Players must build their streets as right as possible to save resources and make sure that the inhabitants really use them. Workers without hesitation will go on off-road if the path laid will somete them from the road. It is not a big problem in the city center, but becomes noticeable in remote areas, such as shafts and sawmills. Breaking through deep snow, workers slow down significantly, reducing efficiency. Therefore, try to build as much direct roads as possible.

Before building streets or something else in Frostpunk it is also useful to make a plan. Various buildings have the foundation of different shapes, which may make it difficult to build streets.The player is always useful to imagine where he wants to accommodate everything before laying boards and pipes.

And that's all you need to know about how to build streets in Frostpunk..

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