Loop Hero - how to get a tree


In this manual, we will tell you how to get a tree in Loop Hero?

How to get a tree in Loop Hero?

In this strategic arpg on the assembly of the deck, you must kill enemies, as well as to improve performance improvements and buffs that will improve your character.

Now one of the main mechanic Loop Hero is a resource farm, and wood is one of the most important that you need at the beginning of the game.

How to farm stable wood in Loop Hero?

You can get stable wood, getting 12 stable branches.

It is impossible to get a piece of wood directly, you need to get a few.

As soon as you have a stack of 12 stable branches, 1 stable tree will be created automatically.

You can get these branches. Through tiles grove.

you also can kill enemies on tiles groves To get branches in the form of a drop.

In addition, you can also get it out Chest chests.

In fact, it is a rather simple process, how to get wood in loop.

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