Green Hell - Tips How to Survive


How to stay alive in Green Hell? This game is a survival simulator in the open world, the events of which are unfolded in the uncharted corner of the Amazon jungle.

Players turn out to be in the jungle alone, without equipment and food, and are now trying to get out of people alive and integer.

To do this, it is necessary to hunt, make tools for protection and hunting, as well as fight your own slowly fooling mind.

You found yourself in the heart of the violent, impassable jungle Amazon.

Survival Tips in Green Hell

Since the beginning of the game, as soon as they felt in the forest, look around.

Collect as many stones, sticks and lian.

Create a conventional stone knife.

If suddenly do not find small stones, and there are only big.

On Fight on a large stone, right-click and click / Get / - It will turn out 3 little stone.

Make an ax. Although from two stones stick and liana.

The first base is desirable to build near the reservoir.

Listen and listen, the point is the sound in this game, as the sound acts, since it can be determined by anyone nearby near you
(aborigines, predators, snakes, spiders ...)

Our game has certain weather periods:

  • Raine period
  • Dry period

Rainy season - they pour almost every day. And this is a great time to explore the island, stocking rainwater.

Then the time of drought comes, and here you have to have time to find some source of water in the proximity.

We start playing from December 16 to game time, the dry season begins with 9, 10 January.

Thus, you have a game month to prepare for him, but it will not last long somewhere until 23, January 24, and then again the rainy season, which will last about 14, February 15 and the rains will stop again.

In any case, be prepared for the drains can go all day or not to be at all.

Going to the hike, it is desirable to take such things like: a bidon filled with clean water, the coconut bowl is useful for cooking soups, or boiling dirty water.

Tools: knife, spear, ax.

You can still take onions. Some arrows, manual drill.

Food is suitable: bananas are a bit, nuts, mushrooms, or any fruit ...

But do not forget that food has a property to deteriorate.

Do not forget the armor, although the simplest (from banana leaves).

Therapeutic bandages: with tobacco, honey, host and ash.

In order to make a dressing, look for a plant called: Molyneeria.

When you find it, I recommend doing dressings immediately in place, as it is in general the form takes place in a backpack.

If you build a database, try to be near the water, but not so close.

Since Caymans are found in the rivers, water bodies. Especially their many on the island of Anaconda.

Therefore, you carefully choose a place for the base, it is desirable not to dense water.

On your hand you have a clock with your coordinates that show where you are.

Actively use them and remember the locations where, or write down key places on the map: water sources, reservoirs, caves, places for overnight stay.

Thus, you will be difficult to catch the surprise, you will know where to move, what place is there next to you.

Go on foot. If you run, the energy parameter is spent. And its complete absence of a character may not suddenly lose consciousness and sleep.

If you decide to make a halt, and ignite the fire must make a canopy, even if the drought and rains are not.

It is useful to engage in the construction of small camps around the island.

I recommend to make a canopy, a fire, and a water collector. And there at will.

And that's all you need to know how to survive in Green Hell? If you have something to boldly leave a comment below.

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