Valheim how to use boss trophies?


Find out how to use boss trophies in Valheim, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

Each opponent you defeat can drop as a trophy. Bosses have a 100% drop chance. For other opponents, this chance is lower.

How to use boss trophies in Valheim

Trophies can be used in the game in three ways. boss trophies can be sacrificed in the circle of power (starting place) to get special abilities that give a temporary bonus to certain indicators. trophies from deer are needed to create and upgrade the Deer Thrower. They are also required to summon the first boss in the game. Other trophies are for cosmetic purposes only. You can place them in your home. As you can see, trophies have little practical use - collecting them is mostly pointless. You can discard them to save inventory space.

As you can see, trophies have little practical use - collecting them is mostly pointless. You can discard them to save inventory space.

And that's all you need to know about how to use boss trophies in Valheim.

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