Medieval Dynasty - A Beginner's Guide to the Medieval Dynasty


A compact guide for all newcomers to the game. Hunt, survive, build and rule in the harsh Middle Ages.

Create your own medieval dynasty and see it flourish - or die trying!

This guide is intended to be a beginner's guide for all players who are still inexperienced and just starting to play Medieval Dynasty. If you have questions or problems that the management or the internet do not have answers to, it is also always very useful to use the knowledge records in the game (open the journal (by default with "J") and click on the head with an exclamation mark.). You will also find a lot of useful information here. Since the game is currently in Early Access and is in Alpha, there may very well be changes in the game, so the manual may differ. The developers are constantly bringing new updates, I try to keep the manual up to date, but I can't promise anything. Since the game has just been launched, I'm certainly not an expert, but I want to make it easier for players to get started. In case of errors or inaccuracies, I will be grateful for your feedback.

First house

You start the game as a simple military refugee a little south of the village of Gostovia. First you should go to Gostovia and talk to Castellan Uniegost there. This will give the country a chance for a new life. Once you have done this, you have two things you can do. (1) You are looking for a suitable place to build your own home. (2) You go a little south to the fields of Hostovia, and there you accept two quests from Edwin and Alvin. Edwin's quest can be completed very quickly. Alvin's quest should be postponed to a later time and concentrate first on building the house. Of course, the most important question now arises: where to build a new settlement?

Basically, you should consider the following aspects:

(1) You cannot build buildings in the immediate vicinity of another village, so you must keep a certain distance from them and build a new settlement in the desert.
(2) Of course, you must also be near water. On the one hand, so that you always have drinking water, and on the other hand, you can organize fishing later in the game (which, for example, in the mountains makes little sense).
(3) Sitting in the largest meadow is certainly not the best idea. Wood is an important raw material, and if you are building away from the forest it will naturally increase your walking distance.
(4) It is also wise to position yourself relative to the center on the map. You will always have to go to other villages (be it quests, trade, or recruiting residents) and it also saves a lot of time to build centrally on the map.

Having considered these aspects, I was able to determine for myself this place as the best place for building a settlement (of course, this is only a recommendation, you can build your village wherever you want).

To build your first home, you just need to complete a quest. At first, just collect horse mackerel and stones (they can be found almost everywhere), and then create a stone ax to chop down trees. Raw “straw” is obtained by collecting reeds (reeds are located to the north-west of Gostovye on the river). If you have collected all the necessary resources, you can use the build menu to build the foundation of the house at any time (be careful when placing it, if you want to destroy the building, all the resources used for this will disappear). To build the walls and roof, you need a hammer (which you get from Uniegost as a gift) and you can now finish building your house. With that, congratulations to all the new homeowners.

Food and drink

Now that you have a humble home, you should take care of your physical well-being as well.
There are four basic character values ​​in the game to keep track of. The green bar is stamina. It is used for various activities like sprinting, chopping trees, building, etc. Red streak is health. If it drops to zero, you will die. The yellow bar is hunger.

If you are completely hungry, meaning the yellow bar is at zero, you will lose LP over time until you eventually starve to death. So you should always have food with you. It is best to go hunting first. To do this, you will need two things: a wooden spear and a stone knife. You can easily create both things yourself. When hunting, you should always have at least 5-6 copies with you. Various animals (rabbits, foxes, roe deer, deer, bears, wild boars, bison and wolves) are found in the forest. All of them can be hunted and eaten freely. If you don't like active hunting, you can also set up a rabbit trap, but this is not as productive as hunting with spears. The harvested meat can be eaten raw and fried. However, meat should always be roasted over a fire prior to consumption in order to increase its nutritional value (raw meat has a nutritional value of 2, fried meat 6) and to prevent poisoning (raw meat has a 20% chance of being poisoned). If you have ever suffered from poisoning, it can be reduced by using St. John's wort (a plant with small yellow flowers that is sometimes found in meadows). In addition to meat, there is also plant food. They can change depending on the season. In spring you should look for sea morels, in summer - berries (in spring the berries are still unripe and have a 20% chance of poisoning), and in autumn there are many mushrooms in the forests (here you also need to be careful not to eat poisonous mushrooms!). The blue bar is thirst. This is much easier to satisfy than hunger. You can drink whatever you want from any river or lake. There is no risk of poisoning.

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