Review Cossacks 3.


Well, that day came when the Cossacks finally came out in a new version, and immediately I wanted to make a review about the game.

In the COSSACKS 3 game, everything seems to me, well, well, almost everything. Of course there are tedious moments, and in other places there is something very lacking, I will try to describe what it is, in more detail what to change to get a present hood for players.

I would like to start immediately with the barracks, the camera is not completely normal there. The game is in honest 3D, but what's the point, if you can not turn this chamber, well, it is inconvenient to agree.

In the old parts was a patrol that was very convenient. You added the distance of the camera from Fashion, what is the complexity to add and fashion to the patrol? Trifle, and pleasantly as they say.

In the game, it is necessary at least some kind of diplomacy. At the moment, all cooperation between the players is only in the use of team chat and the joint attack of the combined armies. It is impossible to transfer resources, to build a caravan model of which, by the way, is in the game but is not involved in any way, or for example, in the first part there was such a cool thing as a joint command. Yes, in fact, it would be only the subject of trolling, but it may well bear useful functions, for example, to allow a more experienced player to follow what the full Nubas is engaged and helping him do not get away in the first minutes of the game, it is optionally and will be perfect.

Solve the problem with weak players who often come out of the game. The fact is that when a person comes out, his whole army and buildings are instantly destroyed, and it is awesome as Khrenovo, because in 90% of cases it means the collapse of the team and easier to wash off after it. Add a bot, or just let everything be exploded to hell in a second. Sometimes a boogry enemy comes out of the game, his whole army will immediately die and you understand that I spent the hour of your life in nothing, to fight in the end did not have anyone and pleasure from victory.

You can also solve this absurdity with one cunning parameter, the defeated player goes to the side of the winner, everyone is satisfied, the game continues.

The developers on the example of Scotland clearly showed that they can in the nation. I look forward to something truly new, not just a remake from the first part, I think not only I would like to see the eastern countries, China or Japan. And they can, when they want.

The first Cossacks had such a wonderful mod as the "empire", the developers could take a couple of ideas from there. I'm not talking already about the 19th century, it would be fat, but it is quite pleased with the idea to repaint the hired shirt into the black skin.
Again, look at the empire, add such a building to the game as a fortress, a very strong outpost that can be put away from your base, we can remember such a thing else in Age of Empire.

The interface in the menu is not ahti, but overall convenient. It would be nice to add the feature of the filter of the servers, for example, to screen the servers with a password or complete, as well as find players, at the moment it is impossible to do so. Fights 5 to 5, an additional enlarged card size as in the first Cossacks is huge, will be successfully combined with the item above.

Winter and the desert are already there, waiting for Palma and Jungle!. By the way, wheat cultivation in winter is absurd. There is no point in tactics, all due to the fact that a thousand soldiers can get into a meager bunch of each other, hand-to-hand fights look mad and frozo due to the meaningless "pasteing" people in each other. From this and flows the problem, he wins the one who in such a "heap" the shooters more crowded, there is no sense to build phalanxies, to enter the side or something like that, just damage in the forehead as a dense bunch as possible. Of course, such a tricky tactic is solved by cannons, but not always they are available.

Again, the problem of the phalanx, at the moment I did not find much sense to them except to increase damage, in theory, depending on the construction, an attack should increase, defense, evenly and more. Return the guy of a flour in a mill from Arabs.
Ruthless price, seriously, for such money it is quite possible to buy Total War, DLC to the game are also not cheap. The developers are those still ignores, it takes effect easier to heaven than to wait for an answer from them.

You claim that it is not just a remake, so let me think that the game is straight and ask for innovations, different buns and nishtyaki. I have two options for assumptions or developers simply on the drum, or the developers themselves do not understand how their engine works, maybe they would be happy to add something, but do not know how. If at least half of the listed all the same are implemented in the game, then replacing the finger up, and so far only minus.

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