Phasmophobia how to find the ghost room


Find out in this guide how to determine the ghost room in Phasmophobia, if you are still interested in this question, then read on, we will tell you how to do it.

Phasmophobia is a psychological horror game with online co-op for 4 players. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it's up to you and your team to use every ghost hunting equipment at your disposal to collect as much evidence as possible. Here's how to quickly find a ghost room.

How to find the ghost room in Phasmophobia?

In order to find the Ghost Room, players need to select the appropriate gear from the Starter Pack and split up inside to cover more of the area.

The three most important pieces of equipment that should be in every player's starter kit when entering a haunted building are an EMF reader, a thermometer, and a sound sensor. Since flashlights are also required to stay sane and alive, players must choose either an EMF reader or a thermometer, and bring along a sound sensor and a flashlight.

After grabbing their equipment, the players must split up and take EMF and temperature readings in each room. Ideally, each player should take several different rooms so that the team can cover more territory quickly. As they progress through the house, players must place a sound sensor to pick up ghostly sounds.

If there is a ghost in the house, the EMI sensor will beep, or the temperature in the room will drop to 10 degrees Celsius or lower. By these two signs, players will be able to determine the type of ghost. If the EMF reader reaches level 5, this will be evidence that a ghost lives in this place. Likewise, if the temperature drops below 3 degrees Celsius, then "Freeze" is evidence that indicates the type of ghost that lives in that place. If a ghost is present, but the EMF is not evidence to identify that ghost, the Reader will not reach 5th level. And unless the freezing temperature is proof of the type of ghost haunting the place, the temperature will only reach 3 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Once all sound sensors have been installed, one of the team members can return to the van and find out which sound sensors pick up the sounds of ghosts, if any. Areas that players have covered with sound sensors will light up, and if one picks up noises, a red bar will appear on the sound sensor graph, indicating which room the noise is coming from. If no sound is picked up, this can be a good sign that players need to search the area they haven't covered with sensors.

On larger maps, sound sensors will not be as effective at excluding a ghost room. Instead, players should choose a parabolic microphone as their starting tool in addition to an EMI reader and a thermometer.

If the level of the players is not high enough to gain access to sound sensors or thermometers, or they do not have enough money to buy them in every game, it is possible to forego them in favor of a video camera. Three team members should choose a site, set up a camera in the far corner of the room with a good view of almost the entire area, and one of the team members should start asking questions to the ghost. The fourth member of the team is to stay in the van and watch each camera for a few seconds, looking for signs of the ghost moving, or specifically the ghost orbs. As soon as a team member in the van notices any activity, he must inform the rest of the team about it. The rest of the team can then search the area with an EMF reader or any other equipment to narrow down the search and find the ghost room.

Another way to narrow your search when you're short on money is to add salt. This can be done before or after the van teammate detects ghost activity on the cameras, and it can show players a more precise location where they should be looking using the EMF Reader. It won't work if the ghost is Wraith. Instead, the ghost will react to the salt and become angry. However, this is a good way to more accurately locate a ghost.

This may seem like an oversimplification, but players can also always just ask the ghost where it is. Sometimes the ghost responds or does something in the building, which can help the team locate the ghost's room. This can be dangerous if players try to do this outside of the setup time at the start of the match. The amount of time they get at the beginning of the game depends on the difficulty level. In an amateur match, players get 5 minutes to prepare, during which the ghost cannot become active or start the hunting phase. On medium difficulty maps, players get 2 minutes, but on professional difficulty maps, there is no buffer, and the ghost can act immediately. Questioning the ghost is necessary for players who do not have access to a thermometer or sound sensors and who use the video camera method.

That's all you need to know about how to quickly find a ghost in Phasmophobia.

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