Review Distrust.


It is good that Russian creators can demonstrate that the most important thing in creating a video game is a soul and interest.

Distrust - came out a good game of "salvation", in which most importantly you have time to look for the heroes and correctly set values ​​for the implementation of specific actions.

So still gives us "Distrust"? We also have the 2nd losers of survivalors, which is married to housing, in the search for what you need. Undoubtedly, at home, and together with them and the contents, to be generated by a randomy, in order to extend enthusiasm to a curious thing, and at the same time complain that the toy fraudes and resources go very rapidly. Whatever it was, such emotion appears when the first passage, which will definitely be completed by the end of the game. Prerequisites? Cold, appetite and exhaustion. Many of these characteristics over time decreases and if with the first 2nd all, as it were, it is clear, then the 3rd parameter swings a huge number of joyful minutes, when the characters start to get the psychosis. Practically in a hundred percent of cases - safe, whether it is irritable singing, wheezing or the Citation of Shakespeare.

However, besides them, there are others that they change the gameplay, whether it is snowy blindness or as they died in a video game - Daltonism, a crossed place, a snow-white rumble and deafness and night vision. Oh No, do not think that night vision is funny. Believe me, as your character is lying it, you will also wake to find a bed and sleep. Oh yeah yes, psychosis are removed by bed ... well, what to do, such a game mechanic. The bad luck is that sleep is putting opponents, which will be done, practically, from the air and if the house where you slept, was not melted or you have nothing to protect yourself, then weird, with the highest share of the probability, you are breeding. Sounds scary? Probably, however, in fact, the video game is uniform and soon realize that the balance is made in favor of the gamer.

The location is constantly the place to be reached, where to build, where to make food, warehouse buildings with the garbage we need, and then like barrels, well, or cans, with fuel, in order to live easier. Well, yes, certainly, the resources can be inexperienced at the very beginning, but in fact everything is needed from the gamer, so it is to save all the first 2 locations, it is very economical to spend resources at the third then and you will have The ability to overcome the last two, albeit not without effort, but overcome. The discloser disappears the highlight of the video game, which claims to be "Rogan". There are no random actions in the video game, which would have an impact not so much on the gamer himself, as for the world near him. Characters themselves, whom you choose, own a specific feature, however, deprived of the features and they are miserable to uniform words, and the conclusion for any of them is not taken into account that it does not allow "to live" with heroes and worry.This is simply an ordinary unit, which you need to bring to the end of the "chessboard".

Do not think, the toy is made fine, and I would say with love. There is a huge number of references, both on a large situation and video games in the style of nightmares. The virtuous musical row of melodies and songs aggravates life. And thought with psychosis, albeit not fresh, however, it is excellent. Simpar, the video game herself came out a single one. Having passed it several times, you realize that I discovered all her Easter and there is nothing more to offer for you.

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