Spelunky review


Buy Spelunky made me forced a fun trailer telling about the gameplay and its wide opportunities. Thinking that this is such a cheerful time cleaner, I decided to launch her for half an hour to look and came to myself only after 20 hours of the game.

Spelunky has everything that may be needed in such a game: unique levels generated every time levels, girls and peels who need to save, merchants offering a huge list of various weapons and devices, cheerful cartoon charts and animation, simple, but interesting gameplay is not Giving to bother for a very long time.
And there is also a cooperative on four and hardcore, a lot of hardcore. The game, looking like a children's cartoon, does not show the slightest friendliness to beginners - you will die a variety of ways many times until you digest all the rules of survival in the world of Spelunky.

Theoretically, this game is completely possible in less than eight minutes. There is even an appropriate achievement. But in practice it is almost no possible. If you don't bite a snake or a huge spider, you will not eat piranhas or a carnivous flower, you will not get into the next trap, do not get on the head of the aborigine or pawned man's head, you will not freeze your breathing a huge mammoth and does not burn plasma beam flying saucer, not A horrid giant wild bee, an alien octopus does not burn your brain with telekinesis, and even God Anubis, the priests of the local cult and the Chinese zombies will not get to you, then you will surely fall from the height of thoughtfully placed spikes or at all, right in the abyss.

As a last resort, one of the monkeys, eternally carved gold from your pockets, will accidentally get from there with a grenade or you will be shot from the shotgun, an explosion close to his shop or an attempt to take the goods for free.
And even if you succeed in mastering the property of an old man or escape from him, at each subsequent level of the exit you will be waiting for his brother twin with a shotgun, who believes that it is better to shoot you, then recharge and once again shoot, how to check if you have What to say in your justification.

In general, the levels are not only very diverse, quite extensive and densely inhabited by all his living creatures, considering you a snack, in addition they are drunk to the limit with various traps, pasta and transitions to the secret levels that make the passage more interesting and diverse.

The only thing that I really didn't like it in Spelunky so this is the pickles of assistants, which can be bought from some merchants or save from imprisonment in a huge coffin, you need to save 16 characters that you can subsequently play. They eternally do not throw ropes or guarantions to the topic, thus damage, can push into a hole or substitute a trap.So you have to "wet" them or, more profitable, sacrificing the goddess of Kali, who for it can reward you with something useful.

Also did not like it:
It is not moderately high difficulty, which is aggravated by the eternal disadvantage of bombs and ropes.
Get quick access to the last world is very, very difficult.
Not killed by the ghost, appearing at each level after two and a half minutes, which flies through the walls and kills one touch.

Gorgeous hand drawn graphics.
Simple, cheerful and exciting gameplay.
Generated levels that are not allowed to bother over dozens of hours.
A variety of design levels, a huge number of different enemies, gadgets and weapons.
Here you can save girls and dogs, as well as to steal gold idols and make sacrifices.
Cooperative up to 4 players.
But the main thing that I was impressed in this game - universal thoughtfulness to the smallest and living variety. It is not surprising that a number of specialized publications called the Spelunky game of the year.

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