The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - How to complete the second time missing quest?


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is finally out on Nintendo Switch, and we thought it best to warn you about the missed The Witcher 3: Missing in Action quest. You may have already encountered the “Missing in Action Quest failed” message when you play the game. The side quest is easy enough to miss. If you miss this, you will fail when you reach a certain point in the history of the game. Can you return to missing persons? Read on to find out everything there is to know about this early side quest.

Nobody likes to leave a quest in an RPG if they can help. Unfortunately, this can happen to you in The Witcher 3. In The Witcher 3 there are several skip quests, including one at the very beginning of the game: “Missing”. If you don't want this quest to go missing, you need to complete it before moving on to the second area of ​​the game and exiting its prologue.

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To find the quest, you need to check the message board in the White Garden (the first city you find yourself in). You can also help Dune find his brother Rosin by finding Dune outside his ruined hut in a plundered village near the White Garden. If you do not complete this side quest before heading to Wizima after completing the main quest: Lilac and Gooseberry, you will not be able to complete the quest and will not be able to complete it later. If you're a finisher, you'll want to make sure to complete Missing While you can.

Once the quest is gone, it is gone. If you miss this quest and do not complete it in time, you will not be able to return to it later. However, you can always revert to missing actions by loading a previously saved file or an autosave file.

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