Genshin Impact - How to Prepare for the Upper Floors of the Spiral Abyss


Many Genshin Impact players run into a wall when trying to grab the upper floors of the Spiral Abyss. This guide will help you with that.

The Spiral Abyss Genshin Impact is simply a more intense challenge tower. In each chamber, players can earn between one and three stars, for a total of nine stars per floor. But after the 8th floor, players advance to the Abyssal Moon Spire, which occupies floors 9 through 12.

These floors get insanely challenging and this is where many players hit the wall with the Genshin Impact. Although for those struggling with other aspects of the game, this guide should be able to help. However, this guide will specifically focus on the little things players need to know to get to the end of Floor 12, Chamber 3.

Here is a short list of all the basic tips with specific questions that players might have about these tips, which are answered below:

  • There must be two healers.
  • Spontaneous reactions are everything (melting, freezing, overloading, crystallization, etc.).
  • Be patient and raise the level of your team, four латов at 60 латов simply will not help.
  • Distribute teams on floors, find out where the most annoying enemies appear.
  • Any character with a cinematic flair who has an elemental blast effect is very useful.
  • If possible, get two Hydro characters, as Barbara cannot be on two teams.
  • If possible, try putting an archer on each team.
  • Artifact sets and talent levels matter.
  • Level up characters from more than two teams for more options.
  • Don't spam as much as usual, stamina is more important for these floors.

Why is it so important to have two healers?

Since the damage done by enemies on these upper floors increases insanely fast, one healer simply won't be enough. When all of the Fatui, the mysterious masked Teiwata faction, immediately start spamming their attacks (as in the second half of 9-2), a full health DPS can knock out in less than a second.

The healers were ranked from best to worst: Jean, Barbara, Tsitsi, Bennett, Noel, and Dione.

Do players need to know where enemies are spawning?

This moment is primarily important for the treatment of mobs. Simply put, being able to destroy a Fatui Hydrogunner or Hydro Abyss Mage before they even have their elemental shields will significantly reduce the purge time. Basically, hit them where they hurt before they can start. Be proactive, not reactive.

Why is there so much focus on hydro characters?

It comes down to how fire shields work. The Mages of the Burning Abyss and Fatui Pyroslingera are incredibly annoying if players don't have a way to quickly get rid of their shields, and the only way to do it is by water hammering. Cryo / Electro can help, but not as well as Hydro. In particular, when the score is 10-3, players can hit the wall hard thanks to Fatui Pyroslinger and only Barbara will help them.

What are Cinematic Elemental Bursts and why do players need them?

Characters such as Barbara, Venti, Keqin, Qiqi, Mona, Diluk, Klee, Tartaglia, or even Zhongli (new character with a lot of complaints) all have Elemental Flash skills that magnify them, rotate with cinematic angles, and are seamless to the end. While they are being played, enemies cannot hit the character, so they work as a great way to deal a lot of damage with minimal or no risk, which is so important against some enemies.

How high level should artifacts be, why is stamina more important?

Up until Floor 9, Spiral Abyss basically just required players to have a team of 50-60+ characters with whatever artifacts were reasonably well aligned. But after that, players should use 5-star artifact kits if they can, and they should be at least LVL 8, if not 12.

In terms of stamina, there are a lot more moves that can quickly ruin a run if the player is unable to run off or away from the road. There are things like cryo prisons that pop out of the ground, constant geo damage that happens in a specific area, anemobox hits that can only be dodged when they come out, and slime hits the ground.

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