Shin Megami Tensei V - How to Defeat the Boss: Cleopatra


In this Shin Megami Tensei V guide, you will learn how to defeat the Cleopatra boss by laying out some key strategies.

How to kill the Boss: Cleopatra in Shin Megami Tensei V?

How to prepare for the battle with Cleopatra in Shin Megami Tensei V?

Some moments

The Fury of the Queen DLC focuses on Cleopatra. Once you reach a certain level, chat with the Bethel researcher in the Tokyo Diet building.

Cleopatra was from the Egyptian branch of Bethel, but she was demoted. When the protagonist interacts with her, she fights back.

It's a tough fight, but well worth it, as defeating her unlocks her in Demon Fusion.

Cleopatra Skills

  • Cleopatra's Signature Skill - gaiety, which inflicts a charm disease on all enemies for three rounds, drastically reducing their attack and defense.
  • It is recommended to have some kind of charm resistance or a way to get rid of this ailment.
  • In addition, Cleopatra will use Ice attacks and Mabufubarion as his Magatsuhi. If you have demons that can block ice and use an ice dampener before she fires her magatsuhi, you will always have the advantage.

How to beat Cleopatra in Shin Megami Tensei V?

Hints ⇓

The very first step in preparing for the battle with Cleopatra ⇒ is choosing the right demons. The demons that are best suited for this fight are the ones that can block ice attacks and demons with good skills with dark attributes.

  • Dark is Cleopatra's weakness, so equip your Nahobino with Darkness attributed skills and use demons with strong dark attacks like Alice's Die for me.
  • To defeat Cleopatra, simply gain extra actions by using Cleo's weakness to dark skills.
  • Don't forget to use the Ice Silencer when she collects Magatsuhi.
  • Treat and treat status ailments as needed. Frolic will weaken your group a lot, so try to at least remove them by buffing your damage dealers.

If you follow the above steps in order, then you will be able to successfully defeat Cleopatra in Shin Megami Tensei V.

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