Mass Effect 2 Kasumi save or destroy the gray box?


Mass Effect 2 players must make choices during the Steal Memory loyalty mission, and this guide details the consequences.

After rebuilding the gray box in the Steal Memory loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, players will have to make tough choices. In particular, fans have to decide whether to keep or destroy Kasumi's graybox, and while this choice does not affect the gameplay in any way, there are some implications to be aware of. In this guide, players will find detailed information on these consequences, and should help fans move forward with Kasumi's loyalty mission choice in Mass Effect 2.

For starters, it is important to note that Kasumi Goto will become loyal regardless of how the player chooses to make this decision. Therefore, fans only need to think about what they want for the future master thief when making this choice. They'll learn more about how this affected her life during a side mission in Mass Effect 3. You can find more details on how this manifests itself below, although it's worth noting that there are some Mass spoilers here as well. Effect 2 and 3.

Kasumi then reappears in the Mass Effect 3 side mission "Hanara Diplomat", and if she retained the "gray box", it is revealed that she spent most of the time connected to the device. Of course, if the graybox was destroyed, this will not happen, and instead she will talk about the current mission in more general terms. Mass Effect players wishing to free Kasumi from Keiji Okuda's memory are advised to destroy the graybox, although ultimately the choice is a matter of personal preference.

It should be noted that failure to fulfill Kasumi's loyalty mission entails much more serious game consequences than the decision to leave or destroy the gray box. Again, these effects appear during the Hanara Diplomat side quest, and the most significant of them is that Kasumi will not appear at the end of the quest if the Steal Memory quest has not been completed. This will prevent players from recruiting her as a military asset, although that shouldn't stop them from getting the best ending in Mass Effect 3.

Finally, it should be said that all of this assumes that Kasumi survived the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2, as otherwise she obviously will not appear in the Hanar Diplomat. Under these circumstances, players will have to make a new choice during the Mass Effect 3 side mission - save Jondum Bau or stop the download, and this will ultimately determine which War Asset they receive.

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