Mass Effect Legendary Edition how to open security locks?


Find out how to open the security locks in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, what difficulties await you, what needs to be done to achieve the goal, read our guide.

In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and more specifically Mass Effect 1, there are security locks all over the place, and you need to know how to get around these locks to get the inside of the container or access the locked area. In fact, you need not only knowledge of how to do this, but also extra glasses for decryption and electronics. If you want to know more about this, take a look below.

How to open security locks in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Traversing defensive locks in Mass Effect isn't that hard, but there are some prerequisites. The whole process takes place through a "mini-game" QTE, in which you have to press the button shown on the screen the moment it appears. As far as practical ways to get past the security lock, this is the only thing you need to do.

However, some locks will require you to have a certain level of decryption or electronics, so if your goal is to open any area and container found around the world, investing in these "classes" will be a must. By leveling up these classes as much as necessary and successfully completing the QTE sequence, you will unlock the lock you are trying to bypass.

In addition, the security locks can be opened using Omni-Gel. If you fail the QTE, you will have the option to use Omni-Gel to open the lock. If you have several spare items in your inventory, taking apart the items will make it easy for you to use them as an alternative method.

That's all about picking locks in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Some containers have very good loot, and some areas contain interesting loot and other things (I won't spoil it), so spending a few points on Decryption or Electronics won't be a waste in the end, trust me.

And that's all you need to know about how to open security locks in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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