Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - How to Edit Units and Items


Guide to editing units. A quick guide on how to get started editing your own units in Bannerlord.

Right click on M&B Bannerlord -> Manage -> Browse Local Files.

Now open the folder: Modules

Open the SandboxCore folder (ignore other folders for now).

Now navigate to the ModuleData folder.

Open spnpccharacters.xml in any editor (I recommend Notepad ++). But make a copy first to be safe!

Make sure to make a copy of the .xml before making any changes.

It should now look something like this: You can skip the next text screen if you like and move on to the next section. Under the skills, you can change the meaning of the skills. Under equipment, you can change the equipment that the squad has (some may have several equipment trees. You can give trees different equipment so that the unit receives random equipment in battle). for example: EQ-tree 1 got 1 sword:

  • id = "Item.sturgia_sword_2_t3" />

and EQ-tree 2 got an ax:

  • id = "Item.sturgia_axe_3_t3" />

The unit can now hold a sword OR an ax in combat, since both weapons are for item slot 0 ("Item0"), so there is a 50% chance for one of the items. If you make 3 different "Item0" weapons, then the probability is 33.333333% and so on.

Character section

  • default_group = "Infantry" <-------- infantry, archer or chavalry etc
  • level = "16" <------- level of the unit
  • civilianTemplate = "NPCCharacter.sturgia_troop_civilian_template_t2" <--- Character model
  • name = "{= brlJJW5I} Sturgian Veteran Fyrd" <-------- Ingame Name
  • occupation = "Soldier" <---- don't change
  • culture = "Culture.sturgia" <---- don't change
  • skill_template = "NPCCharacter.infantry_heavyinfantry_level16_template_skills"> <--- don't change

Reduction section

 <--- Start <...>         <--- end (always with )

Easy, isn't it? just don't make spelling mistakes and it will work.

Skills section.

Just don't change the name "

<skills><skill id="Athletics"value="70" /><skill id="Riding"value="30" /><skill id="OneHanded"value="70" /><skill id="TwoHanded"value="40" /><skill id="Polearm"value="70" /><skill id="Bow"value="30" /><skill id="Crossbow"value="10" /><skill id="Throwing"value="40" /></skills>

Facetime. To be honest, I've never touched it.

<face> <face_key_template value="NPCCharacter.villager_sturgia" /> <---- change to make beautiful </face>

But wait! That's not all!

In spitems.xml you can find all the precious IDs you desire.

Now have fun tinkering with the game.

The original XML is gone! Now what ?!

If you falsified it and forgot to make a copy of the xml. You can always uninstall it and restore M&B Bannerlord via Steam. After that, the old xml should come back.

Save time

Copy the xml and edit the copy on the second screen during playback. So you can look at the armor, etc. in the game.

How to get all the items in the game

documents mygames Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Configs engine_config.txt ---> cheat_mode = 0

Change 0 to 1.

You can now view all in-game items if you open your inventory and then find the id in the spitems.xml file using search.

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