Resident Evil 2: Leon Walkthrough 5 - Engine Room Boss


How to survive your first boss fight. Your next goal is to “find your way out” from the Resident Evil 2: Remake police station.

Underground staircase

You will exit the elevator from a secret room to an underground staircase. On the first landing on your left there will be a hall - this is where you go. First, however, go down to the bottom of the stairs. Turn right to pick up a hand grenade from the floor. There is nothing you can do here now, but the grenade will come in handy in a second. Climb the stairs to the middle landing and go along the corridor that you passed by a second ago.

Engine room and boss fight

Walk down the hallway and ignore the giant thing running above you. When the hall turns into a podium, follow it to the right. Move the bookcase aside and watch as things get interesting.

After the cutscene, you will be in your first boss. It will be scary, but keeping your head up is the best way to not only survive, but also not waste your precious ammo. Keep in mind that you are faster than the monster, its swing is quite slow, and there is enough room to run past it even in the narrow corridors of the engine room.

1. The first step is to establish some distance between you and the monster. Use your map or check the gallery above for us to track where you are and where the long corridors are.
2. There are some supplies in three room-like areas in the northwest (hand grenade, green grass and pistol cartridges), southwest (pistol cartridges and Red grass), and southeast (pistol cartridges and green grass). Find them and use them.
3. If you are using a hand grenade or flashbang, either aim low or make sure you are not standing in a low corridor. Throwing Leon from above will send a grenade into the passages above you, which will interrupt your throw and make things a lot more dangerous for you.
4. Concentrate fire on the monster's human head and right (monstrous) shoulder. When damaged, a large yellow eye will appear in that monstrous shoulder. Whenever you see it, put whatever you can into it.
6. When the monster gets too close, sprint past it and start these steps again.
7. Remember to use your left thumb + B / circle for a quick 180 degree rotation.
8. Your goal is to make that yellow eye blush. At this moment, the monster will fall over the railing.

Someone will drop the ladder so you can get out of the engine room. Make sure you check these corner rooms for supplies before going up.

After climbing the stairs, go to the nearest office. Check all the lockers and counters for gunpowder and green herb.

Go back and follow the catwalk to the left and up the stairs. In the next office, flip the switch on the control panel to move the walkway into place. Turn right and cross the track you just moved. Follow him to the right and into the next room. Take the bag from the locker, then visit the item box and typewriter. Turn from there and go to the corridor on the right. Climb the stairs at the end to enter the next area.

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