The Evil Within 2 how to use green gel


Find out in this guide how to use the green gel in The Evil Within 2, if you are still interested in this issue, then read on.

The Evil Within 2 you are detective Sebastian Castellanos and are at the very bottom of your life. But when you're given the chance to save your daughter, you must enter a world full of nightmares and unravel the dark origins of a once-beautiful town in order to bring her back. Here's how to use the green gel.

How to use green gel in The Evil Within 2?

Green Gel acts as the currency used to upgrade skills and equipment in the hideout. In all hideouts, you will have access to a broken mirror that will take you directly to Sebastian's room. From here, walk down the long corridor to the wheelchair and sit in it. Tatiana will then show you the full upgrade tree and you can upgrade Sebastian's abilities by selecting one of the five categories

This is everything you need to know about how to use green gel in The Evil Within 2.

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