Apex Legends - How the New Expanded Gold Store Works


Apex Legends Gold Shop Coming in Season 8 that's what he does. Launched in conjunction with the launch of Season 8, the Apex Legends Gold Shop is a brand new item.

Which players can find in the game. Since the launch of Apex Legends, the Expanded Store has had three loot tiers, but this new Legendary variant adds another highly sought after perk. So if you're wondering what the Apex Legends gold store deal is about.

Like other attachments in the game, the Gold Expanded Shop in Apex Legends doesn't just take advantage of the Expanded Shop of the previous tiers. So, while on Flatline, for example, the standard heavy extended magazine will increase ammo to 25, the rare will offer 28, and the epic will offer 30, the legendary gold magazine will also give 30. So what benefits does it actually offer?

All gold magazines have the Autoloader perk, which means having a gold magazine on your weapon will automatically reload. Right; whenever you switch weapons and holster the one with the extended gold magazine, it automatically reloads onto your back. Long gone are the days when you could go back to your weapon, forgetting to reload earlier, and get stuck reloading in a firefight.

Gold shops in Apex Legends will be available for all four types of ammo - light, heavy, energy, and sniper - but that means there's a chance of finding one for weapons you don't have. This is not a game-changing perk, so we wouldn't recommend sacrificing a fully equipped weapon in favor of a smaller gold magazine weapon, but it will be a great booster if you come across one that suits your weapon. When it comes to searching, first of all, just mine as much as you can - unfortunately, there is no secret in the random loot pool!

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