Ark Survival Evolved - Everything You Need To Know About Pteranodon


Newcomers to Ark: Survival Evolved will definitely want to find Pteranodon and befriend him as soon as possible. Here's everything you need to know about them.

The Pteranodon is the first of many dinosaurs that players will see when they start playing Ark: Survival Evolved. The creature will almost always be the first pilot that gamers try to tame. Newbies and players on the new server must craft the necessary items to tame the little flying dinosaurs.

Downing Pteranodon

Since pteranodons are low-level creatures, gamers won't need advanced weapons and equipment to tame the creature. Instead, players can use a primitive crossbow and bolu to kill the dinosaur. Using the crossbow alone will not be enough, since Pteranodon over level 20 usually flies away after being hit. However, if players use a bolu to trap a creature, they can fire an extra tranquilizer arrow or two to knock down the dinosaur. After two shots are fired, the pteranodon will be knocked down and players can begin the taming process. However, any pteranodon above level 100 can burst out of the bola and fly away, so players will need stronger weapons for these creatures. Survivors should always have at least ten tranquilizer darts in their inventory before going to tame the dinosaur. It's also a good idea to eat at least a couple of bolas, as accidents do happen. The spyglass is optional, but it will make it easier to spot the correct Ptera.

Food and domestication

Players can use Raw Meat to revive and tame the Pteranodon. Raw meat can be obtained from almost every dinosaur roaming the map. It is not necessary to prime the meat, but it will give a faster effect. Feeding the creature alone will revive it, but it will take time. Instead, gamers will need to have drugs on hand to speed up the process. Typically, 20 drugs are enough to defeat any pter. If fed with first-class meat, it will take less drugs to tame.

Saddle making

After players have tamed the pteranodon, they need to craft a saddle in order to use the dinosaur as a mount. To make a saddle, gamers will need the following items:

  • 75 Hitlin / Keratin
  • 125 fibers
  • 230 Hide
  • 15 engram points

At lower levels, obtaining materials can seem like a daunting task. However, even with primitive weapons, players can obtain all the materials they need by killing Carbonemis. Triceratops also drop the required materials, but their attacks strike.

Leveling and attacks

The main focus for players with a tamed pteranodon should be increasing the stamina of the creature. Increasing stamina will improve flight speed and flight range. Increasing the weight of the Ptera is also important, but not necessary at the beginning of the game. The pteranodon has several attacks that can be used while mounted. The first is a bite, which deals moderate damage to lower level enemies. The creature can also grab objects and dinosaurs while mounted. However, the pteranodon can only catch Dilophosaurs and smaller dinosaurs. The best pteranodon attack is the spin jump. Gamers looking to do the most damage with a dinosaur should use an attack that deals more than twice the damage as a bite. The dinosaur can kill even a low-level Rex. However, players need to pay attention to the stamina bar as the spin attack will use most of the Ptera's available stamina.

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