Genshin Impact - Event: "Competition of the Tides"


In this post, we will reveal to you all the leaked official information about the upcoming event: Competition of the Tides, including the date, start time, what rewards are expected to participate in this event in Genshin Impact.

Review in detail about the event: "Competition of the Tides" in Genshin Impact

♣Event "Competition of the Tides" will begin April 2, 2021 at 10 am morning server time.

♣In order to access this challenge by exploring many different rewards, you need to get to the Dadaupa gorge.

♣Event will end April 12, 2021 at 03:45 server time.

♣Of course, as with any event in the game, you must have a certain adventure rank to be able to participate, so you must have adventure rank 20 or higher, to join the fight.

♣If you are close to this rank and want to earn rewards in exciting battles, we advise you to complete as many quests and bosses as possible to level up yourself as quickly as possible.

You can receive the following rewards:

  • Primogems
  • mora
  • Talent Level Up Materials
  • Character Experience Materials

Some moments

→Clash of the Tides has multiple difficulty levels, with three more unlocked each day.

→Players will be allowed to choose whatever they wish to try this challenge.

→If you clear a higher difficulty, this will automatically reset all challenges at lower difficulty levels.

→There is a risk⁄reward here, as the higher the challenge, the more rewards you will receive.

For example:

  • Normal difficulty
  • 60 primogems
  • Hard difficulty
  • x3 Resistance Guide
  • 30000 mora
  • Extreme complexity
  • x3 Hero's Wits
  • 30000 mora

And in conclusion:

This event is not as easy as killing things one by one. Each task has three criteria that must be met. If you fail to complete all three tasks, the task will fail.

What's more, each challenge will also buff/enhance certain abilities or enhance certain effects. Be sure to pay close attention to them so you know what you're up against and how to use them to your advantage.

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