Into the Dead 2: recommendations and tips for passing


The release of the newest video game Into the Dead 2 pleased all the fans of the first part, but they all faced some problems during the passage. The tips and tricks in this guide will help you stay safe and sound in the hordes!

It's important to keep in mind at all times that you can't manually reload your own weapon in Into the Dead 2. You must use up the entire clip before your hero reloads the gun. So in some cases it would be safer to fire the last shot to fully reload your pistol. By no means do you understand - these certain number of seconds have every chance to mean the difference between life and death!

Peek at the top of the screen from time to time. If you see the flickering of one of your guns, it means that it is empty or almost empty, and it needs to be reloaded. Keeping your weapon loaded as much as possible is considered the key to this in order to be ready for anything!

Every single day there is a new everyday test to test the newest pistol. You will be generously rewarded based on the number of kills you can make during the test. Get silver, gold, and even weapon parts! Give it a try - it doesn't cost any stamina and you can play the tests as many times as you like.

If you can't get enough Highest Tier to earn Gold Tier Merit, don't worry. Just don't stop playing! The video game 7 days in a row automatically rewards you with 200 gold units.

Each stage in the chapter has 5 goals, you can complete them to get a star. One of them is specialized for normal level progression, while 2 of them are consistently considered as killing targets, and the other 2 vary. If you're just getting started, it can be slightly dangerous to go on a killing target.

These goals require you to kill a small number of undead, but put you in danger of running out of ammo. Try to just focus on the other 2 goals at first if you want to play more. From time to time you will need to do easy things, such as run through artificial barriers or acquire a specific number of deaths on a mounted pistol.

Hack on the nose the main targets you need to open the end of the section. If you return to the previous levels to work on the main tasks, try to choose a stage in which you still need to complete additional missions. Once you earn enough stars from finishing them, you can open the weapon box.

The self-survival mode asks for a variety of stamina, for this reason you have to give it a chance. You will go through a large number of steps, and your final score will be determined by whether you survived or not, and how many kills you got with a particular weapon. Finishing a level only sets you to 100 points, so you'll need to go for kills if you really want to slip ahead. You will compete with other gamers, and gamers with the highest score will be rewarded with loot, including weapon parts, gold, and including the very latest weapons.

If you see that the level has an additional target, and a special weapon is marked in it, which you have not used before, you can find it somewhere on the level. It lights up with greenish lights, like ammo boxes, and you dress it as you take it. Special weapons include chainsaws, garden trimmers, and just about everything else. It can mow down a large number of undead, for this reason it is more correct to find and use it for its intended purpose.

Secondary targets often require you to perform a certain number of kills with one shot. An impeccable weapon for this is any shotgun. Wait until you find a group of undead gathered together and then rush directly towards them and blow them up. A shotgun blast is very unsafe for anything specifically in front of you.

You will similarly be able to apply special perks to help you pin down pairs of undead with one shot. For example, the Puncture Bullets perk for handguns is very useful. Just remember that perks are spent and will be lost after they are used.

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