How to save your progress in Resident Evil Village


A Resident Evil Village guide on how to save your progress in the game by reaching the checkpoint called the typewriter.

There are several aspects of specific games in the minds of the gaming public that are so ingrained that even a small reminder of them can bring back so many memories. An example of this is the Resident Evil franchise and its relationship with the preservation of typewriters.

As you read this, the thought of a typewriter popped into your head, right? Perhaps you `re right. So this is how you can save your progress in Resident Evil Village game.

Typewriters have played a very important role since the beginning of the Resident Evil game. It helps you because it is the only way to save progress. So, the story begins somewhere in the 90s, which leaves its mark on the atmosphere of survival horror.

You risked losing hours of progress, and your saves were limited by the number of ink ribbons you had. This tradition of the Resident Evil games has survived to some extent, though the pink ribbons have moved on in times of trouble, and they're no different in Resident Evil Village.

Save your progress in Resident Evil Village

Using a typewriter is the best and most important way to save your progress. You should or can stop and save as many as you want on a particular typewriter. Finding typewriters is not easy, as there are very few of them and they are located in different rooms.

The only place where you can find a typewriter is around Duke. The village has a checkpoint system, saving at the typewriter triggers story points and main events. If you die, you will be returned to the last typewriter that you saved, or to the last checkpoint.

You can double checkpoints via autosaves and then load the game via the menu. Personally, I find that ending a game session without manually saving to a typewriter isn't very comforting.

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