Green Hell - stay alive


How to survive in Green Hell? Well executed and dynamic simulator, where you will fight for your life, coping with various tests and obstacles to the goal.

Here you truly be able to show your survival skills, thereby showing how valuable to you what you have. You must include your logical thinking and a mixture on a complete coil, and only these two aspects will allow you to cope as effectively, having received a positive result.

Green Hell Survival Guide

Basic moments

Speaking of survival where, a lot of surprises are waiting for us when hunger can master, glitches a lot of other - done at a high level.

For example, a worm can be filtered under your skin, and only with the help of a needle that is in the fish, because if you don't pull it on time, your consciousness will gradually fall and you will go crazy.

When our hero go crazy, he is constantly measured by plebeians and other evil spirits, which causes quite tangible damage.

But in the whole other, realism simply shook, because the leeches need to be removed before they squirting a lot of blood from your body, thicken hunger and thirst on time, because it is possible to faint, the poison of snakes and spiders are very rapid, and if you do not have time.

So that at least to hide to protect yourself we need Refuge. You can sleep, relax and save the game.

To begin with, build at least a simple shelter for yourself.

We will need such resources as: 8 sticks + 3 long sticks + 13 palm leaves +1 rope.

It is better to do this process immediately on the first day before sunset.

Food, hunger and thirst

Food and hunger

  • Proteins. Marked red scale.
  • Carbohydrates. Marked yellow scale.
  • Fats. Marked green scale.
  • Water. Marked blue scale.

You can determine their current value using Wristwatches.

Having learned what nutrients is not enough at the moment, - use the appropriate products.

If you do not have enough protein, then you use meat.

When the carbohydrate lack of carbohydrates, fruit is great.

Nuts are rich in fats, etc.

Some products such as coconut can also contain water and fats.

You can find the exact content of substances in one or another product only by trying it.

This means that at first it will have to try everything.

The exception will be mushrooms that can be extremely dangerous and cause poisoning.

Be careful with them. Meat also should not be used in raw form. Better to cook it.

Do not forget that every active movement be it run, jumping including various injuries lower your energy much faster.So with this situation will have to get more food.

To make food you need to divorce a fire, which, by the way, will have a positive effect on the main character's reason. Yes, in the game you can lose it.

It is worth considering that almost all the food has a limited expiration date, so it's not worth keeping a lot of surplus. The use of delay in food will lead to poisoning.

By the way, if you completely forget about food, then your character will begin to gradually lose health.

Water and thirst

Thirst in a sense is even worse than hunger.

You want to drink from dirty sources, just to quench it, thereby some dangerous disease can calmly picked up.

It may happen that pure drinking water in the area simply will not be. It will be better if you take the coconut to eat into two parts.

Leave not far from your camp and maybe you can get rainwater by the morning.

Water is divided into three types:

Dirty. Drinking such water, you will probably pick up parasites.

Insecure. There is a chance to pick up parasites.

Clean. You can drink and not be afraid to get sick.

Water from most sources is not clean, so it is better to boil it. Alternatively, it can be done with a dish or bowl. Fill them with water and place near the campfire.

Also, many fruits, especially coconut, will help you thirst.

Although most of them quench thirst only slightly. Some places on the map are derived from water sources, so, going there on an expedition, you should take a stock of water with you.

Creating objects


Choose the required things in the inventory and use the crafting window on the right. The most used materials will be sticks, stones and ropes. Little sticks can be obtained by knocking the branches.

In addition to creating objects, you can build.


From the very beginning of the game, basic drawings will be opened.

However, this is not the entire list of objects that can be created.

You can experiment by combining various materials.

For example, of two small stones, sticks and ropes, you can make an ax.

This is a rather obvious combination that can be reached without a recipe. In other words, you can create anything, without even having studied the in-game recipe, but just guessing it or spoiling on the Internet.

You can try your own options.


The game also has the creation of buildings. They can be created through the notepad interface, you can also find all the studied drawings.

If you want to build something, click on the drawing in notepad and select a place to accommodate. If the object is glowing in red, it cannot be placed. Yellow-placement prevents the vegetation that needs to be removed. White - can be built.

Keep in mind that many buildings can be placed only on a flat surface cleaned of vegetation.

When the object is placed on the ground, you can proceed directly to the placement of resources and the construction process.

Weapon, the subject of their benefits

Axe. One of the main tools of labor.Used to produce wood and protection against enemies. The easiest option is the stone ax, the recipe of which: a wooden stick, two stones and a rope, as already mentioned.

Blade. With it, you can handle wood and get meat of killed animals. It is created from the bone and rope.

Stone trap. Simple but efficient hunter tool. You can create it using three small sticks, a large stone and rope.

Coconut bidon. Need for water storage. It will be especially useful when you decide to go to the study of those places where water is highly rare. You can create with an empty coconut and rope.

Health, disease and treatment.

In the lower left corner of the monitor you will see the interface of your condition. It will be displayed a strip of your health, as well as information about wounds and diseases. Looks there more often in order not to die.

Inspection of the body

To learn about your condition, look into the interface of the body inspection. Also pay attention to the magnifying glass icon above the health band, it signals that you need an inspection.

What exactly is the problem will have to deal with himself, after examining each part of the body. As a rule, the damaged part is highlighted visually.


Bandages are a key element to maintain your health during the collections. Take them with themselves so that in cases of attacks of enemies or applying injury, you can apply them for our health.


You will often find these bloodstorms on yourself. They can be picked up even if you just go through wet vegetation. Do not forget to inspect the body and remove them with yourself.

Worm under the skin

If only sleep on bare earth, there is a chance that the worms will climb under the skin. To remove the worm, you will need an bone needle. It can be created from the bone. Removing the worm, immediately treat the wound appeared.


As already mentioned, the use of dirty water can lead to the appearance of parasites in your body. This is not fatal, but it carries several negative moments. So, for example, you will have to eat more food. To get rid of them, you need to eat in a certain way. You will help the "unknown mushroom" of orange color with a curved hat. It can be found on the trunks of fallen trees.

Food poisoning

This negative effect can be earned if you use an unidentified plant or raw meat into food. You will begin to nauseate, which will lead to the loss of water and nutrients. To get rid of this ailment, you need to use the "flower of a lug." Lay it in unsafe reservoirs, it grows on their surface.


You will often fall here and there by negligence during your crawls. These falls are fraught with opening open wounds. To cure such injuries, you need to tighten them with the help of bandages.They, in turn, can be made from Molineria - plants with yellow flowers. It can be found everywhere. Try to guess yourself as quickly as possible, otherwise you risk hooked infection.

Skin rash

In the course of research, you will meet anthills and hiles. Their inhabitants may well paint you, from which the character will start rash. She lowers your mind, but passes after a while.

Wound from poison

Local fauna consists, among other things, from several poisonous creatures like snakes and spiders. Having received their bite, the poison will fall into your blood, which can lead to a deadly outcome. To avoid such a fate, you need to find an "unknown mushroom" and eat it.


If you eat dirty hands, then risk picked up parasites. In addition, dirt leads to an accelerated infection of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Observe hygiene.


In addition to the physical condition of the character, you need to follow my mental health.

If the indicator of the reason drops too low, then your character will begin to see strange hallucinations.

And the lower the reason, the more intense will be these vision. To get rid of them, you need to fill the rational scale. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Sleep in bed
  • Located by the fire
  • Use the cooked dish

To Negative The factors affecting the mind include:

  • Eating worms
  • Sleep on bare earth
  • Rash
  • Leeches

Camp: Where to build better?

In the game you can and need to create several camps at once. Some will just be places for overnight, well, some will become real bases.

When building camp, define the place with access to fresh water and food.

Consider the remoteness from the center of the map when creating key settlements, because each time crossing the entire card can be tedious.

And that's all you need to know how to survive in Green Hell? If you have something to boldly leave a comment below.

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