Deaths Gambit review find out the true price of immortality!


In 2015, the consistency of DS and SotC was shown in a nice design format. In 2018, it became an aesthetically unique chronicle about horror and immortality. With the directions of DS, but as good from it, as far as the dune is fundamentally different from the sea. But from this only the most beautiful in its own essence. With an abundance of trifles, which in ordinary conditions would not have paid attention to in any case. A linear line that at first raises questions, and then it turns out to be so aesthetically charming and unique that you are amazed. And this is a chronicle made for a huge part by 2 former students?! Unique! Together with the lovely music that needs to be bought, Deaths Gambit completely recaptures all the costs for itself, already with these 2 points. However, it's a video game first, so it's bound to be a point about the gameplay. I personally don't have a huge experience in similar video games, however, it did not seem annoying. Yes, there is a certain difficulty with some particularly fat ringleaders. And at the heroic level of difficulty, they organize a uniform apocalypse. The same does not prevent to go through the video game from and to and enjoy its situation. Speaking of nitty gritty, a pact with Doom isn't just sitting in your backpack, but are you ready for a true video game with her?

Yes, the video game is decent, the visuals are on stage, the soundtrack is not bad, and even the gameplay is mostly pleasant and satisfying. So what is actually the problem? The fact that the video game is not memorable, that it is completely inexpressive, because in my opinion you won’t be fed up with one visual and sounds, and the gameplay, to be honest, manages to get bored in the end, .tk. pumping, selection of weapons, customization, skills and other things in the video game are presented to the deepest sadness meagerly, as a result, at the beginning you manage to get 3 skills, 1 weapon and you feel sick all over the video game. Further, the plot: it is largely banal, even the style of the world itself slightly gives the same, conversations often put pressure on pathos, which is often inappropriate. And in conclusion about the map: the geography in the video game is also poor, there are a large number of forks about which you will go to the wrong territories in which you are required to be located, as a result, you run ahead, ruin your experience, the passage time is negligibly not enough 10 hours is ridiculous, replay value honestly tries to 0, tk. There is no NG+, only heroes for the leaders, the passage for different classes actually does not differ in any way, well, there is no longer a preference to play. The controls in the video game are awkward in places, but it will do. And yes, the plot twist with the main criminal is, of course, the hand of the face, however, one could try, guys, well, banality is eclmn.

Of the positive moments in the video game, there is a pleasing to the eye pixel art design of the characters and locations are drawn at the highest level, the animation is very detailed and does not cause almost any complaints, the music is glorious and does not get bored. The mechanics of the game is largely borrowed from the "souls of video games" series, however, and has a couple of its own chips, for example, after the death of a personal hero, not the "souls" you collected are burned, but phoenix feathers, a local similarity of estus, which can then be taken at the place of death; similarly, in addition to leveling the hero's traits, a video game contains a tree of passive abilities and active skills for any type of weapon. The fights with the leaders in the video game are in fact in no way inferior to the battles from the same Dark Souls, they are tense and worthy of attention, and have a small innovation: later, after defeating the leader, you can call him again, so announce it without leaving the box office, and wave with him in Heroic mode, the properties of the leader will be increased and he will acquire a couple of new tricks. The disadvantages of the game are insignificant, but still they are. In the video game, there is a rather specific control that you need to get used to, similarly, there is no any setting of the hero in general, there will be nowhere for adherents to dress up their own according to their own taste, the abundance of weapons is quite meager, be prepared for this, that you will need to run with the same weapon with start until the end of the game. The plot in the video game cannot be announced, which thoroughly gives novelty during the game does not leave the feeling that you have seen the same thing 10 times already. In all honesty, I would not advise this video game to fans of "souls video games", and the hand will not rise to put a negative review, yet the video game is good in its own right and made to last.

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