Review of Star Wars: Force Arena how I became a star warrior


Video games in the Star Wars universe have the ability to seep into all genres and out on all the favorite platforms.

They are constantly gathering their own gamers, simply due to the fan service and promotion of this brand. From time to time, deserving work is created, and from time to time it is the breeding ground for hack work. Now we have Star Wars: Force Arena - a video game in the style of MOBA strategy. Let's take a look at it in its entirety to see if it's considered a regular clone of Dota2 and League of Legends.

Of course, there are no fundamental differences with other MOBA strategies here. This is the same confrontation at the designated location between 2 or 4 gamers. But the game world of Star Wars was presented curiously. There are a number of chips, as a result of which the video game will fit, at least for a gratuitous jump. And if you really spend real finances on the purchase of in-game cards and objects, it's a personal matter. Here only the main game fragments will be considered. Similarly, see cheats and tips for this video game. As usual, from history.

In terms of the fan service part, the creators have come a long way here. There are actually all the most or least popular heroes of the Star Wars universe. Near 80 pieces and the number is sometimes updated by developers. Starting with the oldest films and ending with the latest "Outcast". Naturally, there is Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Ruler Palpatine and everything. There are rare heroes and more valuable ones, which are purchased in sets of cards. What is affected by the parties to the conflict when deciding the side in the MOBA strategy, then everything is clear here. Black and Light side of power. After choosing a side and a playable hero, the usual rivalry for the opponent's base ensues. There is no reason to invent something new here.

Result: the game world rests first on the heroes. There are a large number of them here, they have unique personalities and battle styles. From a mob in a beloved universe, this is what a Star Wars fan would expect. Therefore, everything is unsurpassed.

Sitting in the main menu for choosing heroes and opening cards, I seem to really like the 3D models of heroes. The same feelings subside when the video game itself is tied up for him. Models on the location cannot be called detailed, however, since we are talking about a smartphone platform. So it's still pretty good. At the very least, highly popular heroes assume the appropriate stances for them and move accordingly. What is affected by society, maps, objects, then everything is standard for such a video game. Separate maps are well recreated in the locations of the universe from the movies.

Result: There are no special technical heights here, but the Star Wars theme feels completely fine. Plus, everything looks very nice due to the large number of explosions, effects, running fighters, flying and shooting fighters. Dynamic, colorful, captivating.

bases of gamers from 2 sides, for the elimination of which there is a rivalry, placed in certain areas of the turret, the division of the map into a neutral zone and a zone of an individual gamer. There is a system of collecting cards. This is the main resource of the video game, from the competent implementation of which everything depends. For the victory and simply a set of experience, the gamer's deck of cards is supplemented. They serve to improve attacks, techniques, call an assistant, access to new heroes, etc. It is the base of game balance and domestic economic development.

When searching for a free video game, the system itself will select a rational competitor based on the level, the equivalence of the deck and other characteristics. Fans are probably seduced by the possibility of combining the abilities of their neighbors in the films of heroes in order to triumph over an opponent.

The music track from the movies of the Star Battles franchise plays here. Simply, like all the smartest. A famous theme in dynamic situations, it is required as it is impossible to be more correct. What else could be here.

As stated at the outset, video game franchises are fertile ground for hacks. But for now, that's not an option. This MOBA-strategy-card video game is really exciting in the quality of an independent product. Naturally, people who are completely distant from the Star Wars universe are unlikely to find something for themselves here. The same, who is even remotely familiar with the topic, must like it. Almost everyone is already calling Star Wars: Force Arena the best video game on smartphone platforms in this universe. This is confirmed by reviews on PlayMarket, for example. So, if you are one of the lovers - it is desirable to download by all means.

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