League of Legends how to use Seraphina's abilities


Find out how to use Serafina's abilities in League of Legends, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

Serafina is a low-difficulty Mage who plays both as a support and a mid-laner. Here are her abilities, runes, and tips for playing.

How to use Serafina's abilities in League of Legends

For players accustomed to useful healers like Sona, Jannah, and Karma, Serafina shouldn't be too difficult of a champion, and for support players, it's a great way to try your hand at midlane. With recent buffs, Serafina is even better than before, so players should learn her abilities and try her out!

  • Q: High note: Seraphina lets out a clear note, dealing damage based on the percentage of the target's missing health.
  • W: Surround sound: Seraphina grants a movement speed bonus and a shield to herself and nearby allies. If she already has a shield, she will provide healing as well as a shield.
  • E: Impact drop: Serafina unleashes a powerful sonic wave that slows and deals magic damage to enemies in a line.
  • R: Encore: Serafina creates a captivating power that enchants enemies and deals magic damage to them. All champions hit increase the radius of the ability.
  • passive: Stage Presence: Every third ability Seraphina casts echoes, automatically casting a second time. In addition, Serafina gains increased attack range and damage when a nearby ally plays an ability.

The standard rune page for Seraphina as a support includes Resolve as the first branch, with Guardian, Shield Bash, Second Victory, and Vivify keystones. The second branch is Inspiration, whose keystones are Cookie Delivery, Cosmic Acumen, Adaptive Strength (x2) and Magic Resistance. For the mid lane, players can opt for this build, or they can opt for an Arcane build with Aery and Manaflow Band for her first rune tree.

And that's all there is to know about how to use Serafina's abilities in League of Legends.

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