Loop Hero - How to unlock the secret boss fight


In each chapter of Loop Hero, the player will have to defeat several deadly bosses. This guide shows players how to summon the secret boss.

In Loop Hero, players have to go through four different chapters. Each of these chapters contains its own unique challenges that the player must overcome if they hope to progress. Even if they make it to the end of the chapter, they will have to fight one of the game's bosses, which are incredibly difficult to defeat.

However, many players may not realize that there is actually another secret boss hidden in the game that can be summoned whenever the player wishes. This secret boss, however, is one of the hardest enemies in the game, and even those who know what they're doing will probably have a hard time taking it down. On top of that, summoning a creature is almost as difficult as defeating it. This guide shows players how to summon the secret boss.

Loop Hero - How to summon the secret boss

Summoning the boss is quite tricky because the game never explains exactly how to do it, and the player must first complete several different steps for it to work. First of all, they must complete the second chapter before making an attempt, which means that the player must defeat both the Lich and the Priestess. After that, they can start setting up their loop to try and summon the boss.

In order for the next part to work, the player will need to set up the U-shaped part of their cycle so that multiple effects combine on a single tile in the middle. There are probably actually several different ways to make this part work, but this guide will lay out the tried and true method of calling the boss. The first thing the player needs to do is place the battlefield, chronocrystals, and the vampire mansion in a row as the base of the U. The player will then need to place the beacon and the time beacon as the "arms" of the U.

After that, the player must leave an empty path between the U base and the outpost tile. They will know if it was done correctly if blue sparks start to appear on an empty path. The next loop the player goes through this path will spawn a boss. Keep in mind that this can only be done before or after the boss of the current chapter spawns.

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