Arena of Valor: secrets and tricks in the game


In this manual, we will analyze all the necessary recommendations for a successful start and rapid success in the Arena of Valor video game.

In a MOBA-style video game, the composition of the team is one of the most important aspects that requires commitment. If you want to achieve success, you need a balanced team of all types of characters!

For this challenge, try to practice with different characters and figure out their strong and weak terrain. Namely, try to get acquainted with, however, one protagonist of any type. This means that you will need to train tanks, warriors, arrows, escorts, etc.

This will take a fair amount of time, so don't worry if you can't do it right away. You can start with the 1st protagonist and learn it very well, and then continue to do it with others. Thus, you are able to eliminate a couple of troubles, for example, if someone chooses your first favorite protagonist, you can choose another, more powerful one. Or, if everyone is minding their own business and ignoring a good command staff, you can help make the team fully developed.

Enemy minions, when overpowered, will provide nearby gold for the heroes to use. But, if you can inflict a devastating blow on them, you will likewise gain bonus gold. This is referred to as the "final blow" and is actually slightly more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

Try to figure out the speed of your protagonist's auto-attack and see how fast your own minions can hurt opponents. Wait for the right moment, then hit! If you achieve success, you will notice an increase in the number of gold. Do not forget, you can similarly use your own abilities, but this may not be a very excellent idea if there are enemy protagonists around.

Below, above, and along the edges of the middle lanes - undergrowth. While in it, you will hide your own protagonist, making him invisible to all opponents outside the boundaries of this area. Use them for epic ambushes, dishonorable escapes, and more.

You will similarly be able to peek inside and use lowwoods as a good cover as you make your way back to base. From a different terrain, beware of opponents, if you have not seen them for some time - they have every chance to wait for you in cover!

Afterwards, as you advance a couple of levels, you will unlock the Arcana system for your own characters. These are amplifiers, you can equip them with warriors. They provide small but powerful rewards to your stats.

As you truly prioritize a particular protagonist, you may develop a favorite method for creating them based on the beliefs of the subjects. You can expand them with the right runes. Would you like to make your own tanks tankers? Wear runes of health and protection! Want your own sorcerers to blow people up even faster? Equip the power of the lasso!

In the end, the main key to success in this video game is whether or not your team can work together. Use the callout keys (upper right side) to indicate suitable moments, such as attack, retreat, or group.

Let the tanks and warriors pull the enemy with their own crowd control abilities, then the sorcerers and marksmen will follow, dealing massive damage! And, of course, remember about your own support, it can turn the tide of battles with the help of the prompt activation of the protective field. Don't do it alone - strength is in numbers!

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