Resident Evil: Village - Who is the boss of all villain characters


In this article, you will find out who is the boss of all the villain characters in Resident Evil: Village and why it is necessary to get an answer to the question - read in the guide.

Typically, Capcom hides the most important plot points of Resident Evil until after we've played the game, but the mystique of Resident Evil Village's story and setting is significant even by the standards of this series. However, no Resident Evil Village mystery is more remarkable than the unanswered questions surrounding the game's villains. While we've already seen plenty of villains in Resident Evil Village previews and trailers, we still don't have a clear idea of ​​who the real villain behind it all is, and why many of the game's elements have such a decidedly supernatural quality.

And while the answers to these questions will most likely only come to us after beating the Resident Evil Village game, feel free to join us as we take apart the Resident Evil Village villains we've seen so far in an attempt to answer the eternal question "Who main?".

Who is the boss of all villain characters in Resident Evil: Village

heisenberg - Heisenberg's name is mentioned by Lady Dimitrescu in the latest Resident Evil Village trailer, but we still don't actually know who Heisenberg is.

Most people assume that this is the person in the photo above. While an alternative theory suggests that this man is actually a hero/anti-hero (which seems to be based on his Van Helsing appearance), his presence definitely evokes thoughts of a big villain.

In any case, the way Lady Dimitrescu refers to Heisenberg suggests that he is not the main villain. While there is a possibility that the figure above is another character who is actually the main villain, I would rather bet that the honor belongs to someone else.

Werewolf - It's most likely that the werewolf in Resident Evil Village is just a goon hired by whoever pulls the strings, but that still doesn't answer questions about who the werewolf really is in the context of the Village world.

One fan theory suggests that the werewolf is a mysterious figure sometimes referred to as Heisenberg. This theory is based on a picture of a wolf-like creature, in which we see it carrying a hammer similar to the one wielded by an unnamed male character.

It is also possible that Lady Dimitrescu's castle has some answers. A recently released demo of Maiden suggests that a wolf (or some other large creature) is being kept in the basement of the castle. Could they be responsible for the experiments that turn men into these beasts?

Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters - Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters became the first faces of Resident Evil Village, and we shared our theories about why they are so attractive.

Are they the main villains? Well, they certainly seem capable and present themselves with an authority that leaves no doubt as to who is in charge of their territory. I can easily imagine them as the main antagonists in the game as they chase you around the castle, which looks like it will play a big role in the upcoming sequel.

However, in the same phone conversation in which Lady Dimitrescu mentions Heisenberg's name, there is also a brief mention of another character named Mother Miranda, who appears to be her superior in rank.

Mother Miranda/Witch - So who is Mother Miranda? In the now-traditional tradition regarding Resident Evil Village villains, the honest answer to that question is, "We don't know."

However, she appears to be above Lady Dimitrescu in the hierarchy of villains, who in turn is equal or superior to Heisenberg. Their position and name suggest they are a figure of worship, but the fact that Dimitrescu appears to be on the phone with them rules out the possibility that they are a purely mythical figure.

Could it be that Miranda's mother is the witch we saw in previous previews? We've already talked about our high hopes for this character, and the witch-like figure at the center of it all could certainly help explain some of the events that take place in the early shots of The Village. Whoever Mother Miranda is, you can be sure that she is at least at the top of the game's villain hierarchy.

Mia Winters - This idea is closely related to the Miranda mother theory, but it's interesting enough to make it stand out.

Basically, some fans are noting that Mia Winters is acting rather weird in the Resident Evil Village footage we've seen so far. From her creepy reading of fairy tales to her unusual moves, there seems to be something wrong with Mia. In fact, it makes perfect sense that she could be Miranda's mother, given that she seems to have recently become a mother with decidedly villainous tendencies. Let's also not forget that in the shocking moment of the trailer, she was "shot" by Chris Redfield.

However, even if this is the case, it is highly likely that Miyu is being controlled by some kind of power in the nearby village. It would be a little disappointing to know that Capcom is once again on the path of "Mia Captured," but we highly doubt Mia has become more evil since we last saw her.

Umbrella - Apart from the brief appearance of the Umbrella logo in an early Resident Evil Village trailer, the main argument that Umbrella is behind all this is a simple precedent.

After all, Umbrella is almost always involved to some degree in the Resident Evil games. While there is a theory that Redfield and the Umbrella soldiers we saw at the end of Resident Evil 7 are actually trying to contain what's going on in the village, it will be a long time before we believe that Umbrella is involved in a Resident Evil game. and we will not consider her as the main candidate for villains.

What's more, it's hard to believe that Resident Evil Village will go completely supernatural after the series has relied on biological explanations for years. Reasonable money will be spent making sure Umbrella knows exactly what is really going on and who is behind it all.

And that's all there is to know about who's boss of all the villain characters in Resident Evil Village. If you have an alternative answer to the question of who is the boss of all the villain characters in Resident Evil: Village, then feel free to leave a comment below.

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