Apex Legends - The Complete Gibraltar Guide


Glorious Gibraltar in Apex Legends is a walking powerhouse. Here's everything you need to know about the tanky and dangerous hero.

Experienced Apex Legends players know how dominant Gibraltar can be in a game. This character is one of the best choices in competitive Apex modes. However, players need to properly use the character in order to take advantage of their abilities. Gibraltar may be slow, but in ranked modes he is a great tank.

Strengths of the weapon shield

One of the best benefits of using Gibraltar is its gun shield. When players aim, the shield blocks damage for 50 horsepower. After the shield breaks, players will only have to wait nine seconds for the shield to regenerate. When used effectively, the weapon shield grants Gibraltar 50 additional health points. Apex players should always crouch when aiming, as the shield blocks all enemy fire except for a headshot. Additionally, if players look down and towards an enemy grenade, the weapon shield will block all explosion damage.

Make Gibraltar invincible

If players are fighting Gibraltar and the weapon shield breaks, they should seek cover and wait for the shield to regenerate before engaging again. Gibraltar is extremely effective from a distance, because it will often be difficult for opponents to break the weapon shield and close the distance before the nine seconds are up. If the weapon shield is used correctly, enemies won't even be able to damage Gibraltar's base shield. It is imperative that players practice aiming in close combat, and also that the shield blocks as many bullets as possible. Using the Gibraltar shield can be awkward at first, but with a little practice, players will dominate with a tank. The weapon shield is incredibly strong and players who want to win more games need to try Gibraltar in ranked play.

Armor and team play

Gamers choosing Gibraltar are an incredible asset to teammates. Gibraltar should always be the first to look around the corner because of the extra HP of the shield. Players can also look towards Gibraltar when they are low on health or caught off guard. A Gibraltar team that communicates well with their team is extremely difficult to beat. Gibraltar may not be the best at killing and outsmarting opponents, but he is one of the best teammates in Apex Legends.

Use of the protection dome

The Gibraltar Bubble is a useful tool for players who want to control the pace of the firefight. The dome is effective in both offensive and defensive tactics. For example, if a teammate falls or Gibraltar is low on health, players can retire and recover. Gamers can also burst the bubble to lure enemy players and take speculative shots from a long distance. The best method to use the bubble is to play on the edge of it and move in and out to shoot enemy players. Apex gamers will be surprised at how many people will walk right into the bubble.

What weapon to use

Gibraltar's network should combine ranged weapons with a shotgun. The combination fits perfectly with Gibraltar's style of play. Gamers will either have to fight at a distance, or poison opponents with the Dome of Protection. The best weapons for Gibraltar are the hemlock and the mastiff. The Hemlock is effective at long range, while the Mastiff is the most powerful gun at close range. Kraber is also a good weapon for Gibraltarians and gamers should pair sniper weapons with melee weapons.

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