Battlefield 2042 - How to Heal


In this guide, you can learn how to revive your fallen comrade in Battlefield 2042 using a defibrillator.

How to revive in Battlefield 2042 with a defibrillator?

Basic moments:

  • You can use the defibrillator to revive a fallen teammate. They will remain inactive for 30 seconds before being cleared. For PC you can animate by pressing and holding the E-Key on your keyboard, for Xbox you can press and hold the X button to animate. And PlayStation players can revive their teammates by pressing and holding the square button.
  • Remember that while every team member can respawn, not everyone can respawn with full health. If you want to revive your teammate with full HP (health points), it must be done by Dr. Maria Flack.

How to treat

  • This is very applicable to this game as it is better to heal yourself before dying. And the best way is to take cover and wait for the auto-heal, although it won't happen right away. But after a short delay, you should start healing automatically, and if you take damage, this timer will reset. But if auto-healing is impatient, you need to use some kind of healing devices for this.
  • You can use medic crates to heal yourself and your teammates. By throwing them on the ground, you and your teammates can benefit from it. But you can't reuse this crate as it has a cooldown before you can use it again.
  • Specialist Maria Falk can heal herself and her comrades with a submachine gun. And when you miss the target, if the syringe hits the enemy, it deals some damage to him.

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