Devil May Cry 5 - How to unlock the secret ending


Devil May Cry 5 is a largely linear experience, with few ways for the story threads to branch out outside of being able to choose which character to play like in certain missions. However, the game actually has a secret ending that players can unlock, which will earn them the "Alright, I'll Be Cursed" achievement/trophy. To unlock the secret ending in Devil May Cry 5, players simply need to defeat the demon Urizen during the Prologue mission. At first glance, this seems like an impossible task, as it's unclear if Nero is capable of harming Urizen at all. However, if Nero can destroy the shield floating in front of Urizen, it will leave the demon wide open to attacks and players will need to deplete at least half of its health bar before worrying about the shield again.

The trick is that the shield itself has significant health, and players have to deal with constant bombardment from both it and Urizen all the time. Urizen can deal significant damage if players fail to dodge his attacks, so we recommend that players wait to try this out until they beat the game at least once. Beating Devil May Cry 5 will give Nero a lot more abilities and Devil Breakers at his disposal, which should make the fight a lot easier. Not only that, but if players have carefully examined the environment to find all the blue orb fragments, Nero's health meter should be much higher, giving him a much better chance of actually defeating Urizen in the Prologue and unlocking the secret ending.

Players can do this on any difficulty, so we recommend doing it in Human mode, which is the easiest difficulty in the game. Returning to Prologue in Human mode with Nero completely disabled is by far the easiest way to defeat Urizen and unlock the secret ending. It may take some practice and time, but if players go into a prepared battle, they will be able to unlock the "Alright, I'll be damned" achievement/trophy, as well as rewrite history and see Devil May Cry 5's well-hidden secret ending.

Game page: Devil May Cry 5.

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